Abstract:The local Chinese cosmetics face many challenges on improving the international competitiveness. In this paper, it will present some cases showing the current development of our national products at home and abroad, and list the relevant statistics on imports and exports of Chinese cosmetics in recent years so as to demonstrate its current situation. Through the analysis, it can be learned that the volume of Chinese cosmetics varies with the demands for imports and exports, which is caused by the differences in technology, consuming preferences, marketing, product quality, brand positioning and so on. In order to solve these problems we should explore the corresponding measures to solve them. Finally, the conclusion comes to improve the international competitiveness of national cosmetics by making use of local herbal Kampo as a brand new concept combined with modern science and technology.
Keywords:Local cosmetics, Market shares, Quantity demanded, Technology, Product
1 前言 3
3 中国本土化妆品的现状 4
3.1 本土化妆品牌的现状 4
3.2 中国本土化妆品行业的出口现状 5
3.3 大宝品牌的市场现状 6
4 中国本土化妆品出口存在的瓶颈 7
4.1 低科研投入和技术瓶颈 7
4.2 消费者的选择:国人偏好外国产品,外国人偏好本国产品 7
4.3 对产品宣传及营销方式不到位 8
4.4 本土化妆品的假冒伪劣问题严重 9
4.5 本土化妆品品牌意识薄弱定位模糊,缺乏民族特色 9
5 解决中国本土化妆品存在的出口问题的对策 10
5.1 技术创新的重要性 10
5.2 树立消费者信心,加强本土化妆品品牌建设 10
5.3 加强宣传力度,广告要让人有代入感,让消费者有购物欲 10
5.4 国家加强对本土化妆品的专利保护 11
5.5 找准民族品牌定位,弘扬民族特色,紧跟时代主题 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
1 前言