    毕业论文关键词:经济型酒店  连云港  发展战略
    Research on the Development Countermeasures of Economy Hotels in Lianyungang
    Abstract:With the rapid development of domestic economy and the prosperity of public tourism,there is an increasing demand for clean,comfortable,convenient and economical hotels.In late 1990s,economy hotels emerged in large and medium-sized cities in china.After the rapid development in major cities,the economy hotels has expanded to the second and third-tier cities.As a new member of the hotel industry , economy hotels in china still have a long way to go to reach the standard of their counterparts in foreign countries though they keep a good momentum and have a promising future.Proceeding from the actual conditions of Chinese hotel industry,a deeper research and discussion on relevant issues of economy hotels is very meaningful,not only to it’s own development,but also to the realization of a higher standard of hotel facilities for which the public have been pursuing.
         At present,economy hotels in lianyungang is still at the starting period.On one hand,as a central city in the coastal large-scale development region and an international port city ,fast economic development and prosperity of tourism industry have brought an excellent opportunity to the development of economy hotels in Lianyungang.On the other hand,there are many problems arising in the process of development,say disorder of the market,serious homogenization of products,lack of relevant talents,low popularity and inadequate marketing measures.These problems will restrict the long-term development of economy hotels in Lianyungang.In face of increasingly fierce market competition,how to develop the economy hotels in an efficient way to meet the need of tourism and business will become an important topic.
    Key Words:economy hotels, Lianyungang city,developing strategy.
    目 录
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一)研究背景及意义    - 1 -
    (二)研究内容与研究方法    - 2 -
    二、经济型酒店的界定及其研究概况    - 3 -
    (一)经济型酒店的界定及其特点    - 3 -
    (二)经济型酒店研究综述    - 5 -
    三、连云港经济型酒店的发展条件分析    - 9 -
    (一)连云港市发展经济型酒店的社会条件分析    - 9 -
    (二)连云港市发展经济型酒店的供需市场分析    - 10 -
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