
    摘  要:随着国际贸易的迅速发展,港口作为重要的贸易进出口集散地,与外贸的关系日益密切。本文在分析张家港市港口和外贸业发展现状的基础上,利用灰色关联度分析方法研究了两者的关联度,并提出了张家港市要加强港口建设,打造国内一流港口;调整产业结构,优化产业布局;扶持发展物流产业,增强服务业内涵;实施有效的政策引导,扶持外贸企业发展;建设四通八达的交通网络等建议,希望本文对促进张家港市港口与外贸业联动发展具有积极作用。56586


    Abstract:With the rapid development of international trade,port as an important trade center,is playing an increasingly important role in international trade.Based on the analysis of the current situation of the development of Zhangjiagang port and trade,the paper study the correlation between them by grey correlation degree analysis.Also,the paper raises some suggestions,for example,to strengthen the construction of the port and create the domestic first-class port,to adjust the industrial structure and optimize the industrial layout,to support the development of logistics industry and enhance the connotation of the service industry,to implement effective policy guidance and support the development of foreign trade enterprises,to constitute the transportation network extending in all directions and so on.I hope that this paper will have a positive effect on promoting the linkage development of Zhangjiagang trade. 

    Keywords: Zhangjiagang, port, foreign trade industry, grey correlation

    目 录

    1  前言 4

    文献综述 4

    3  港口概论 5

    3.1  港口的定义与功能 5

    3.2  张家港市港口发展现状 5

    4  张家港市外贸业发展现状 7

    5  张家港市港口和外贸业关联度分析 8

    5.1  灰色关联度分析法的简介 8

    5.2  指标选取与数据来源 9

    5.3  结果分析 10

    6  张家港市港口与外贸业联动发展的措施 10

    6.1  加强港口建设,打造国内一流港口 10

    6.2  建设四通八达的交通网络 12

    6.3  调整产业结构,优化产业布局 13

    6.4  扶持发展物流产业,增加服务业内涵 13

    6.5  实施有效的政策引导,扶持外贸企业发展 14

    结 论 15

    参考文献 16

    致 谢 17 

    1  前言


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