    毕业论文关键词: 钢铁贸易;产品结构;宝钢股份
    Dilemma and Countermeasures steel trade--- In Baosteel Case
    Abstract: Iron and steel industry was once one of the most important pillar industries. However, with the adjustment of China's economic structure, steel products in an unprecedented surplus. Trade friction due to various reasons and environmental protection, so that the steel trade conditions gradually deteriorated. Meanwhile, the steel trade, there are still trade structure is irrational, import and export market concentration, excessive dependence on imports of raw materials, increasing pressure on resources and the environment and other issues. This paper attempts to present situation of the steel industry research to identify the specific characteristics of the development of the steel industry, in turn, can be seen clearly irrational industrial structure, product structure is simple, I'm poor access and a variety of institutional barriers impact and other features. In this paper, Baosteel Co., Ltd., for example, proposes to encourage imports of low-end steel products, promoting technological upgrading, make full use of overseas spare capacity, rationalize production scale to get rid of some countermeasures steel trade real dilemma.
    KeyWords: Steel and Iron Trade; Product Structure; Trade Conflict; Baoshan iron & ste
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究目的及意义    1
    (三) 研究现状    2
    二、钢铁贸易的发展状况    4
    (一) 进出口状况    4
    (二) 国家对行业的限制    5
    三、钢铁贸易呈现的特点及存在的问题    6
    (一) 钢铁贸易呈现的特点    6
    1、 钢材进出口品种繁多    6
    2、 钢材主要进出口国间的竞争    6
    3、 产品结构有较大改善    7
    4、 进出口增长率逐渐减缓    8
    (二) 钢铁贸易存在的问题    9
    1、 进出口产品结构不合理    9
    2、 贸易中存在各种体制性障碍    10
    四、形成钢铁贸易困境的原因    11
    (一) 宝钢股份的基本状况    11
    1、 宝钢股份概况    11
    2、 出口贸易现状    11
    (二) 形成钢铁贸易困境的原因    12
    1、 供应商的议价能力    12
    2、 购买者的议价能力    12
    3、 替代品的威胁    12
    4、 新进入者的威胁    12
    五、摆脱钢铁贸易困境的若干对策    14
    (一) 鼓励低端钢铁产品进口    14
    (二) 推动产品结构和技术升级,增强钢铁产业国际竞争力    14
    (三) 扩大海外投资,充分利用海外闲置产能    14
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