    摘要:改革开放以来,我国经济发展迅速,作为中国国民经济的重要组成部分对外贸易也得到飞速发展,对外贸易对我国GDP的贡献逐年增加。特别是在加入世贸组织以后,我国对外贸易发展的速度惊人。对外开放在促进我国经济发展的同时强化了区域间经济发展的差距。我国中部地区总体对外开放水平低于东部地区,发展水平亦不如东部地区。在国家为加大对外开放程度相继实施了“西部大开发”战略和“振兴东北老工业基地”战略的背景下,“中部地区崛起”问题自然而然地进入了人们的视野,成为大家尤其是中部各省关注的问题。而作为中部地区中小小的一环,南阳市也应该积极响应国家号召,积极发展对外贸易,从而缩短中东部差距,提高人民生活水平。本文通过对南阳市与东部沿海地区---上海市作对比,研究影响南阳市发展对外贸易最明显的最直观的因素——区位劣势,试图找到可以解决南阳市发展对外贸易相对于东部地区(上海市)总是处于劣势的问题的办法。紧跟实施国家“中部地区崛起”战略,积极响应党和国家的号召 ,最终提高该地区人民生活水平。37716
    毕业论文关键词: 区位劣势;对外贸易;对策;南阳市
    Break through the disadvantage of location to develop foreign trade in central China, for example of Nan yang, Henan province
     Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up, the economic in our country had a rapid development. As an important part in China's national economy, foreign trade also get a rapid development, the GDP in China that the foreign trade contributed to has increased year by year. Especially after accessing to the WTO, China's foreign trade develops at a staggering rate. Opening up not only promote the economic development in our country, but also strengthen the regional economic development gap at the same time. The level of opening to the outside areas in central China is lower than the eastern region; the level of development also is inferior to the eastern region. Under the background that the country have implemented the strategy of "western development" and "revitalization of the northeast old industrial base" strategy, to increase the level of opening to the outside world, "the rise of the central region" enter into people's horizons naturally, especially catch the attention of the central provinces. As a small part of the central region, Nan yang also should respond actively to the call of the country and develop foreign trade actively to shorten the gap of between the central and east regions and to improve people's living standards. The article compares Nan yang with the province of Shanghai which situated in eastern coastal areas, and researches the most intuitive and obvious factors that have an effect of developing foreign trade in nan yang ----the disadvantages of location, finally tries to find a solution to the problem that developing foreign trade in nan yang is always at a disadvantage solution, compared to eastern region Shanghai. Follow the implementation of the national strategy of "rise of the central region", have an active response to the call of the party and the country, improve people's living standards in the region of Nan yang eventually.
    Keywords:  the disadvantage of location, foreign trade, countermeasures, Nan yang
    一、    概述  5
    1、研究框架 5
    2、研究方法 6
    3、研究中优点和不足  7
    (三)区位劣势的涵义 7
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