


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

     Title  Financial Industry Cluster on the Impact of   Regional Industrialization——In Jiangsu province as an example                                              


    Finance as the core of modern economy, plays an important role to economic development. Since the 1970 s, more and more financial institutions adopt a coordinated manner among enterprises to organize trade and production activities. From the rise of initial few Banks concentrated to the financial holding company to today the spatial agglomeration and business outsourcing of various types of financial institutions, cluster has become the basic form of modern financial industrial organization, on the base of reading literature scholars both at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the connotation of the financial industry agglomeration, motivations and characteristics, and explores the mechanism of action of industrialization of industrial agglomeration on regional financial development, and take economic data of Jiangsu province as an example, build an econometric model of Jiangsu Province on the regional financial industry agglomeration effects of industrialization made econometric analysis, and proposed on the adoption of the financial industry cluster to promote regional industrial development proposals.

    Keywords:Financial Industry Cluster;Regional industrialization;Econometric analysis

    1  引言1

    1.1  选题背景1

    1.2  选题意义1

    1.3  研究思路和方法1

    2  国内外研究文献综述2

    2.1  文献综述引言2

    2.2  金融集聚的内涵、动因与作用机制2

    2.3  文献综述小结5

    3  金融产业集聚的动因和特性6

    3.1  金融产业集聚的动因和条件6

    3.2  金融产业集聚的发展阶段6

    3.3  金融产业集聚的特性6

    4  金融产业集聚促进地区工业增长的机制7

    4.1  金融产业集聚促进地区工业增长的方式7

    4.2  金融产业集聚对工业化进程的作用分析7

    5  实证分析——以江苏省为例9

    5.1  江苏省金融业发展现状9

    5.2  Eviews计量经济分析 10

    5.3  结论分析12

    6  对策建议13

    结论   14

    致谢   15

    参考文献   16

     1  引言

    1.1  选题背景


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