    毕业论文关键词:利率市场化 商业银行 影响 对策
    The marketization of interest rate on the impact of China's commercial banks and Its Countermeasures
    Abstract :The interest rate is an important tool of macroeconomic regulation and control of the central bank.Interest rate marketization reform long and hard.Due to China's relatively weak economic base, resist risk ability is poor, only through the progressive type method gradually promote the marketization of interest rate, while  in the process of marketization of interest rate is bound to the operation and management of China's commercial banks bring important influence.
    This paper begins with an overview of the interest rate market, introduce the process and characteristics, secondly, explains the problems exist in our country commercial bank under the marketization of interest rate. After analyzed the market interest rate of the positive effects and negative influence of China's commercial banks, then use the SWOT to make analysis and put forward the corresponding strategies to deal with. Accordingly, further analysis our country commercial bank interest rates in response to market strategy.
    Key Words:the marketization of interest rate,commercial bank, effect, countermeasure
    目 录
    一、 导论    1
    (一)研究背景及意义    1
    (二)研究文献综述    1
    二、 我国利率市场化概述    3
    (一)利率市场化含义    3
    (二)我国利率市场化的进程    4
    (三)我国利率市场化特点    6
    (四)我国利率市场化存在的问题    8
    三、利率市场化对我国商业银行的影响    8
    (一)利率市场化对我国商业银行的积极影响    8
    (二)利率市场化给我国商业银行带来的挑战    10
    四、 利率市场化条件下商业银行的SWOT分析    11
    (一)SWOT各种指标因素的总结    12
    (二)市场利率化下商业银行的SWOT战略分析    14
    五、我国商业银行应对利率市场化的策略    15
    (一)大力发展中间业务和同业业务    15
    (二)加强资产负债管理    16
    (三)建立科学的利率风险管理体系    17
    (四)法律法规及制度建议    18
    (五)完善外部监管环境及金融市场建设    19
    参考文献    21
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