    毕业论文关键词:外商直接投资  东道国  国际收支  就业与收入  政策
    Analysis the impact of FDI on the economy of China
    Abstract:With China's reform and opening up more and more deep, foreign direct investment and economic impact on China is more and more important. This paper mainly from foreign direct investment on China's international balance of payments, national income, employment and industrial structure changes have the huge impact analysis. But at the same time, the introduction of foreign capital will on the host country's economy caused by the backlog, the formation of monopolies in the market, resulting in environmental pollution and other negative effects.But over the past 30 years, China's introduction of the number and proportion of the investment of trauma far beyond other developing countries, but not so get the advanced technology of the developed countries, China's large-scale introduction of foreign investment is to obtain advanced technology through the market. So the research on the economic development of the host country foreign investment influence has far-reaching significance. It is worth noting that, after 30 years of opening up the results, the rapid development of China's economy is inseparable from the foreign support, so the introduction of foreign capital and foreign capital utilization should have certain strategies. Finally, the foreign investment on China's economic impact of objective analysis, and the paper puts forward the strategic policies on foreign investment in China.
    Keywords: foreign direct investment  host country  balance of payments  employment
              and income policy
    (一) 因地制宜,提高引资质量.11
    (二) 转变引资模式,严把生态环保关11
    (三) 完善外商投资的法律法规制度.12
    (四) 坚持独立自主能力13
    (五) 发展、发扬民族工业..,..13
    (751) 保障我国经济安全.14
    外商直接投资(Foreign direct investment),即外商直接投资是指:在投资人所在国以外的国家经营企业,并拥有持续利益的一种投资,其目的是在于对该企业的经营管理拥有一定的话语权。
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