After China's online shopping market size break though one trillion,city shopping market growth is slowing,the rural market has become the new engine for growth in electricity industry.Ali institute released a report of the rural electronic commerce shows,in the past three years,taobao rural consumer continuous increase accounted,up from 7.11% in the second quarter of 2012 to 9.11% in the first quarter of 2014.A variety of data reflects the same trend, namely the electronic commerce exists a trillion-dollar potential market in the countryside. And abroad, developing agricultural e-commerce in many countries a lot earlier than our country, for example,the United States, Japan, Britain.This article takes the agricultural e-commerce into developed countries for reference,and with the white cow village as the specific research object,to analysis the basis and reasons how can its development to become the basis of the four "taobao village" in Zhejiang province. And thus for Zhejiang and even the whole China in the development of electronic commerce in rural areas on the road to provide the reference.
Keyword:Agricultural products; Rural E-commerce; Taobao Village; Development
目 录
一、 引言 4
(一) 选题背景和意义 4
(二) 研究内容 5
(三) 研究方法 5
(一) 国外发达国家农村电子商务的发展 6
(二) 国内农村电子商务发展现状 7
(三) 白牛村电子商务发展 7
三、 农村电子商务蕴藏着巨大的市场潜力 7
(一) 电子商务帮助农民把农产品“卖出去” 7
(二) 发展电子商务帮助农民“买进来” 8
四、 白牛村发展成为浙江著名“淘宝村”的因素 11
(一) 充分利用周边地区丰富的农特产品资源 12