

    Abstract:Zhejiang province is one of the important provinces in our country foreign trade export, especially on the export of aquatic products. Aquatic products industry is one of its main traditional industries in our province, has obvious geographical advantage, price advantage, resource advantage. Always account for important position in national economy. With the development of economic globalization, international trade in recent years, the animal welfare barriers rise, Zhejiang foreign trade export of the original environmental advantage, price advantage, resource advantage has gradually lost its former optimistic situation, export prospects are grim. So the Zhejiang province only positive analysis and effectively deal with animal welfare barriers, efforts to develop competitive advantages, better promoting the international competitiveness of foreign trade products, especially in aquatic products, in order to realize the sustainable development advantage of aquatic products exports. 

    毕业论文关键词:动物福利壁垒; 外贸出口; 水产品; 浙江省

    Keyword: animal welfare barriers; Zhejiang; foreign trade export; aquatic products

    目    录

    1 动物福利壁垒的概述 5

    1.1 动物福利壁垒的内涵 5

    1.2 动物福利壁垒产生的原因 5

    1.2.1 政府、生产者与消费者 5

    1.2.2 贸易保护的需要 5

    1.2.3 东西方文化的差异 6

    1.3 动物福利壁垒的特征 6

    1.3.1 在法律和道德上的合理性和合法性 6

    1.3.2 作为贸易壁垒的成本和易操作性 6

    1.3.3 复杂性和争议性 6

    1.3.4 歧视性和隐蔽性 7

    2 动物福利壁垒影响下浙江水产品出口现状 7

    2.1 出口水产品的总量 7

    2.2 出口水产品的种类 7

    2.3 水产品出口市场结构分析 8

    2.4 水产品出口的特点 8

    2.5 浙江水产品遭遇动物福利壁垒的情况 9

    3 动物福利壁垒对浙江水产品出口的影响 9

    3.1积极影响 9

    3.1.1 刺激企业改善动物福利壁垒状况,树立良好的形象 9

    3.1.2 提高水产品的卫生质量 9

    3.2消极影响 9

    3.2.1 出口数量下降 9

    3.2.2 出口市场范围缩小 10

    3.2.3 出口成本提高,竞争力下降

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