
    摘  要:建筑作为一个南通传统的行业,由于其突出的行业影响力,已经成为南通经济最具活力,最具影响力和独特的板块之一,成为真正意义上的人民的支柱产业、富民产业和形象产业。本文通过分析南通市建筑业在龙头企业发展、企业施工能力、在外市场产值方面的现状,然而南通市建筑业在施工领域,中小企业竞争力,行业资金,技术创新,人才培养等方面存在着问题,通过分析问题的形成原因,提出了积极拓展施工领域,中小企业走规模化、集团化发展的道路,银企合作、上市与企业转变,建立完善技术创新体系,提升从业人员整体素质五个方面的针对性对策,为南通市建筑业的发展出谋献策。58876

    毕业论文关键词:建筑业,资本 ,技术,人才

    Abstract:  As one of the nantong traditional industries, due to its strong influence of industry, construction has become the most dynamic, one of the most influential and distinctive plates, become a real sense of the people's pillar industry, enriching people industry and the image of the industry. In this article, through analysis of nantong construction in the leading enterprise development, enterprise ability, the outer market value of the status quo, nantong construction in construction areas, however, small and medium-sized enterprise competitiveness, industry capital, technical innovation, personnel training etc. There is a problem, through the analysis of the forming reason of the problem, put forward actively expand the construction field, the small and medium-sized enterprise scale, the collectivization development road, argues cooperation, public and enterprise transformation, establish a perfect technological innovation system, promote the overall quality of five aspects of personnel, targeted countermeasures, propose to the development of nantong construction. 

    Keywords:the construction industry, capital, technology, talent

    1  引言 3

    2  南通市建筑业发展基本情况 3

    2.1  龙头企业发展壮大 3

    2.2  企业施工能力不断提升 4

    2.3  在外市场的产值不断提高 4

    3  南通市建筑业存在的主要问题 5

    3.1  建筑施工领域单一 5

    3.2  中小企业缺乏市场竞争力 5

    3.3  建筑企业资金紧张 6

    3.4  技术创新步伐缓慢 6

    3.5  南通建筑业高素质人才供不应求 6

    4  南通市建筑业发展对策 7

    4.1  积极拓展施工领域 7

    4.2  中小企业走规模化、集团化发展的道路 8

    4.3  银企合作、上市与企业转变 8

    4.4  提高技术水平 9

    4.5  提升从业人员整体素质 9

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    1  引言


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