

    毕业论文关键词  均衡行为理论 人民币均衡汇率 汇率失调

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    The empirical study of RMB equilibrium exchange rate and misalignment                                            


    With China's rapid economic development, the exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar is reaching new heights in recent years.The international calls for revaluing its currency ,however,seems stronger . The expectation of Appreciation of RMB  has been prevalent in the civil academe and policy authorities. This paper aims to place the debate about the degree of RMB’s misalignment in a tractable framework by estimating the long run equilibrium real effective exchange rate of the currency. On the basis of combing several Western Theory about equilibrium exchange rate ,we choose Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory to constructs the equilibrium exchange rate model of RMB because of the special situation of China and the availability of data. This paper collects related data from 1996q1 to 2010q4, using modern econometrics methods including X 11 seasonal adjustment ,ADF unit test , Johansen’s maximum likelihood estimation, VEC model and H-P filter to analyze the equilibrium exchange rate and the misalignment of RMB empirically .According to the result of computation, some main conclusions can be made: RMB exchange rate has been overvalued all the time since 1996q2,while it is slightly undervalued before. What’s more, the degree of overestimation reaches the peak of 40% from 2008q4 to 2009q1.Finally,this paper gives some explanations about  exchange rate  misalignment and influence.

    Keywords  BEER Theory  RMB equilibrium exchange rate  RMB’s misalignment 

    1  绪论… 1

    1.1  研究背景及研究意义1

    1.2  研究内容及研究方法… 1

    1.3  特色及不足… 2

    2  相关文献综述… 2

    3 均衡汇率的研究方法及评价… 5

    3.1  购买力评价方法5

    3.2  宏观均衡汇率方法… 5

    3.3  研究的理论模型选择… 8

    4  基于BEER的人民币汇率实证研究9

    4.1  基本经济变量的选取…9

    4.2  人民币均衡汇率的估算10

    4.3  汇率失调程度的测算13

    5  人民币失调原因及影响分析…15

    5.1  人民币汇率失调原因分析…15

    5.2  人民币汇率失调的危害16

    结论 … 18

    致谢 … 20


    附录A  BEER模型所需宏观数据 … 23

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