


    毕业论文关键词  中国  印度  服务贸易  国际竞争力

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The Comparative Study On International Competitiveness Of Trade In Service Between China And India         

    Abstract Under the background of economic globalization, and along with the need of trade structure’s adjustments, countries around the world all begin to put forward new trade development strategy, in this economic environment, the importance of service trade is getting more and more attention, and service industry quickly improve its position in each country with its unique momentum. In recent years, the development of India’s service trade has got much attention in the world, and with his unique service trade characteristic and excellent service trade transcripts, India has prove his advantages in service trade in front of the world especially the developing countries, thus, it’s really worth learning for China.

    This paper will first review the theory to prepare for the analysis of following research, by expounding the meaning of service trade and its competitiveness, giving the general type of service trade, and the indicators of competitiveness which are required when we do further study on service trade, then, through the current situation and the index comparison of China’s and India’s service trade, analysis the two countries’ competitiveness in service trade, finally, according to the factors which affect the competitiveness of trade in services between China and India, to put forward suggestions to improve China's competitiveness in service trade.

    Keywords  China, India, Service Trade, International Competitiveness

    1  引言1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  研究内容1

    2  理论综述3

    2.1  服务贸易的涵义3

    2.2  服务贸易的类型3

    2.3  服务贸易国际竞争力的涵义4

    2.4  服务贸易国际竞争力的衡量指标4

    3  中印服务贸易发展现状6

    3.1  印度服务贸易发展现状6

    3.2  中国服务贸易发展现状7

    4  中印服务贸易国际竞争力比较分析9

    4.1  从国际竞争优势指标进行比较9

    4.2  从显示性比较优势指数(RCA)方面进行比较10

    4.3  从贸易竞争力指数方面进行比较11

    5  中印服务贸易国际竞争力影响因素分析14

    5.1  要素禀赋14

    5.2  国民收入水平15

    5.3  服务业开放度15

    5.4  货物贸易发展水平16

    5.5  政府作用17

    6  提高我国服务贸易国际竞争力的对策19

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