
    摘 要:随着现代社会经济发展水平的不断提高、改革制度的不断深入以及当今环境状况的日益恶化,保险的重要性日益凸显出来,尤其是商业健康保险更是受到广大老百姓的欢迎,它不仅可以保障被保险人的合法权益,减轻政府的经济压力,还能维护社会经济的安全与稳定。当前,我国基本医疗保险制度的建设取得了相当大的进展,但是其存在的弊端也是不能够忽视的。本文分析江苏省商业健康保险的发展现状,发现问题并提出相应的解决对策,将对江苏省医疗保险制度的完善与发展起到重要作用。63344


    Abstract: With the constant improvement of the modern social and economic development level, the deepening of the reform of system and the deteriorating environmental conditions today,Increasingly highlighting the importance of insurance,especially the commercial health insurance is more welcomed by the majority of people. It can not only protect the legitimate rights and interests of the insured, reduce the economic pressure of the government, also can maintain the security and stability of social economy. At present, the construction of basic medical insurance system in our country has made considerable progress, But the shortcomings of its existence is also can not ignore. This article analyses the development direction and founds the problems and puts forward the corresponding solution countermeasures, will playing an important role for the improvement and the development of the medical insurance system in Jiangsu province. 

    Key words: the commercial health insurance,medical insurance,development direction, solution

    目  录

    1 引言 3

    2 江苏省商业健康保险的发展现状 3

    2.1 江苏省商业健康保险业务增长速度快 3

    2.2 江苏省商业健康保险的发展空间广阔 3

    2.3 江苏省商业健康保险的发展得到了国家政策的支持 4

    3 江苏省商业健康保险发展中存在的问题 4

    3.1 消费者对商业健康保险存在偏见 5

    3.2 险种品种不多且创新少 5

    3.3 商业健康保险经营管理人才缺失 5

    3.4 有关商业健康险方面的政策法规不健全 6

    3.5 江苏省商业健康保险市场存在道德风险 6

    4 江苏省商业健康险发展的应对措施 6

    4.1 加大宣传并提高保险从业人员的综合素质 7

    4.2 重视健康保险产品的创新开发 7

    4.3 加快商业健康保险人才的培养 7

    4.4 推动健康保险相关税优政策的落实 8

    4.5 建立医疗机构与商业保险公司间的合作关系 8

    结 论 10

    参考文献 11

    致 谢 12 

    1 引言


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