



    毕业论文关键词  成长型民营企业  国际投资机构  对赌协议  蒙牛乳业 永乐家电

    Title  Valuation Adjustment Mechanism for Developing Private Enterprise Financing                               


    In recent years, a large number of Chinese developing private enterprises are in urgent need of funds to enjoy a broad prospect. However, the lack of effective ways to improve private enterprises’ financing processes blocks the development of then directly. Therefore, some developing private enterprises make cooperation with Overseas Securities investment by signing a VAM agreement with them.

    The valuation adjustment mechanism is an agreement between the enterprise and the investor. As the lack of risk awareness and professional knowledge of finance, developing private enterprises generally have to face huge risk. This paper based on the situation of VAM in developing private enterprises, taking both theoretical and practical analysis on VAM.

    In the first place, the paper introduces the theoretical basis and the operating mechanism of VAM. Point out the meaning, elements and the practical characteristics of VAM. In the second place, the paper analyzes VAM through the methods of case analysis and comparative study. Finally, the author summarizes the factors that should be considered while using VAM and makes some suggestions for these developing private enterprises.

    Keywords: developing private corporation  overseas securities investment   valuation adjustment mechanism  China Mengniu Dairy Holdings  Yongle Holdings Co.Ltd


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景及意义 1

    1.2  研究思路及方法 2

    2  对赌协议概述 4

    2.1  对赌协议的内涵 4

    2.2  对赌协议的要素 4

    3  理论基础及文献综述 7

    3.1  对赌协议的相关理论 7

    3.2  文献综述 9

    4 对赌协议在成长型民企中应用的必要性及其运行机制 12

    4.1  成长期企业的阶段特征 12

    4.2  对赌协议在成长型民企中应用的必要性 12

    4.3  对赌协议在成长型民企中的运行机制及特点

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