
    摘  要:本次研究基于常州市统计年鉴,根据IPCC碳排放计算指南和中国能源统计年鉴,分析了常州市2007-2013年能源消费的碳排放变化和主要农作物的碳吸收变化。采用LMDI分析法建立能源碳排放和农作物碳吸收的因素分解模型,分析其影响因素。结果表明:常州市的碳排放量逐年增加,碳吸收量除2007年外维持在稳定水平;碳排放量变化受经济发展水平、人口规模、能源结构和能源强度4个因子及其相互作用的影响,其中经济发展水平效应影响最为明显,能源强度效应其次;产出强度、种植面积、种植结构是影响碳吸收量变化的3个因子,产出强度对碳吸收量的增加有明显的促进作用。因此,要从各因子效应大小不同入手,分析得出适合常州市的减排措施来有效的降低其碳排放强度。66483


    Abstract:This study based on Changzhou Statistical Yearbook,IPCC carbon emission calculation guidelines and China Energy Statistical Yearbook,analyzing the changes of Carbon emissions of energy consumption and Carbon absorb of major crops absorb in Changzhou from 2007 to 2013.Using LMDI to establish the decomposition model to analyse the factors of Carbon emissions and absorb.The results showed that:in addition to 2007 remained at a stable level,the Carbon emissions of Changzhou increase year by year;changes in Carbon emissions is the level of economic development,population size,energy mix and energy intensity four factors  interaction results,which influence the level of economic development is most obvious effect, energy intensity effect followed;output intensity,acreage,crop structure affect Carbon uptake change.The output intensity plays a significant role in promoting Carbon uptake.Therefore, the effect of various factors function different,it’s important to analyse them to make effectively reduce measures and that will good for Changzhou’s reduction.

    Keywords:Energy consumption, Carbon Emissions, Carbon sequestration, LMDI Analysis

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  研究设计 4

    2.1  研究区概况 4

    2.2  碳排放及碳吸收估算 5

    2.3  LMDI分析法 6

    2.4  不确定性分析 8

    3  结果及分析 8

    3.1  常州市能源消费的碳排放测算结果分析 8

    3.1.1  碳排放总量变化及特征 8

    3.1.2  碳排放结构变化及特征 10

    3.2  常州市能源消费碳排放变化机理分析 12

    3.2.1  能源碳排放机理分析 12

    3.2.2  主要农作物碳吸收机理分析 14

    4  常州市碳排放减排对策 16

    4.1  优化能源结构,提高能源效率 16

    4.2  推进低碳经济增长方式转变 16

    4.3  大力发展新能源 17

    4.4  保障耕地面积,提高农作物产量 17

    结  论 18

    参考文献 19

    致  谢

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