


    Abstract:In China, the regional economic development of eastern and western differences; In Jiangsu province, the development of regional economy is the difference between north and south. The existence of the differences in regional economic development and change on regional economic and social development of the direct and indirect impact on many aspects, such as, become one of the focus of economic and social life.With the "new normal" economy is put forward, at all levels of government pay more attention to regional harmonious development, to develop more benefit ordinary people; Say "new normal" economy has become a new development concept. Article from the economic output and average, industrial structure, foreign trade and so on in-depth analysis of the current situation of the economic development of north, then to explore both the reason of the difference of economic development, then expounds the meaning of coordinated development of the civil economy, the last on the basis of subei reality, to speed up the economic growth of north Jiangsu, promote the sound and rapid economic development countermeasures are put forward. 

    Key words:South of Jiangsu,North of Jiangsu,Economic difference

    目   录

    1 引言 4

    2 苏南与苏北经济发展差异现状 4

    2.1经济总量和经济均量 4

    2.2产业结构 5

    2.3对外贸易 7

    2.4居民生活水平 7

    2.5实际外商直接投资差距 8

    3 苏南与苏北经济发展差异的原因分析 8

    3.1区位条件 8

    3.2发展战略与政策 9

    3.3区域之间文化的不同 9

    3.4科技力量的差异 10

    4 加快苏北发展的必要性 10

    4.1加快苏北发展是推动全省经济发展的需要 10

    4.2加快苏北发展是保持社会公平的需要 11

    4.3加快苏北发展是建设“新江苏”的必然选择 11

    5 缩小苏北与苏南经济发展差异的对策 11

    5.1加强科技和人才工作,加快经济增长方式根本性转变 11

    5.2加快东陇海线工业带建设,强化区域发展的增长极 12


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