
    摘  要:关于淮安服务外包的发展问题及战略行动分析是在分析了淮安市服务外包发展的现状、问题的基础上展开的。本文在分析全球服务外包、江苏省服务外包的的现状的基础上,采用了数据、案例分析方法,在分析了淮安服务外包的现状、问题上从而探索了淮安的服务外包的发展问题的战略行动分析。本文首先从全球服务外包到中国服务外包再到江苏省服务外包现在所面临的发展态势及目前发展现状,分析了淮安服务外包的发展的现状,其次通过分析现状发现淮安服务外包存在的主要问题,最后对淮安服务外包提出了相应的政策建议与行动计划。68118

    毕业论文关键词:淮安,服务外包, 政策

    Abstract: About the questions of the development of service outsourcing and strategic analysis is based on the analysis of current situation and problems in the development of service outsourcing. This article is based on the analysis of the current situation of global service outsourcing, Jiangsu' services outsourcing, and adopts the methods of data, case analysis, so as to explore the Huai'an service outsourcing development questions and analysis of the strategic action. First , this article states about the development situation and the present development current situation from the global service outsourcing to China service outsourcing and service outsourcing in Jiangsu province now, and analyzes the current situation of Huai'an service outsourcing, Secondly, by analyzing the status quo of found Huai'an main problems of service outsourcing. Finally, this article will be carried out on countermeasure analysis about the problems existing in the development of Huai'an service outsourcing.

    Key words: Huainan, service outsourcing, policy

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    文献综述 3

    3  淮安服务外包的发展现状 4

    3.1  我国服务外包的发展现状 4

    3.2  江苏省服务外包的发展现状 4

    3.3  淮安服务外包的发展现状 5

    4  目前淮安服务外包发展存在的问题 6

    4.1  缺乏深入了解,动力不足 6

    4.2  基础条件薄弱,人才匮乏 6

    4.3  外包领域狭窄,合同总额少 7

    4.4  企业量少且小,层次较低 7

    5  推动淮安服务外包发展战略行动. 8

    5.1  加深了解,推动发展 8

    5.2  夯实基础条件,培养人才 8

    5.3  明确外包领域,增加合同总额 9

    5.4  增加数量、扩大规模,提高层次 9

    结  论 11

    参 考 文 献 12

    致  谢 13

    1  引言


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