

    毕业论文关键词:乳制品业   对策分析   进口冲击

    Analysis on the Impact and Influence of Imported Dairy Products on Chinese Market

    Abstract:In recent years, with the improvement of China's economic level and the improvement of people's quality of life, dairy products have become an indispensable food in people's lives, while the national economic development and dairy industry has a close relationship. Now, many countries regard the dairy industry as a key industry, and in particular, many developing countries want to accelerate the development of the national economy through the development of the dairy industry and hope to make people more healthy. The dairy industry is a industry with a large coverage and has an important impact on the country's development. But now, China's dairy industry has produced a significant trade deficit. In the import of dairy products when the prosperity of the development of China's dairy has had no small impact. Based on the present situation of dairy products in China, this paper summarizes and analyzes the impact and impact of dairy products on China's market, mainly from the analysis of the dairy market in China and the factors that improve the competitiveness of China's dairy products. Impact of the countermeasures and suggestions, hoping to revitalize our dairy industry and reduce the impact of imports.

    Key Words:Dairy Industry, Countermeasure Analysis, Import Shock

    目   录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)问题的提出 1

    (二)研究的意义 1

    二、我国乳制品市场现状分析 2

    (一)进口乳制品结构分析(来源、种类、销售地区) 2

    (二)我国乳制品生产和销售现状分析 5

    (三)进口乳制品对我国市场的影响 5

    三、提高我国乳制品竞争力的着眼点 6

    (一)原奶生产环节 6

    (二)乳制品加工环节 7

    (三)乳制品销售环节 7

    (四)乳制品出口环节. 9

    四、我国乳制品应对进口影响的对策与建议 9





    结  论11

    致  谢12




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