    关键字  移动云推送,移动云计算,消息推送方法,领域信息抓取
    Title        The  Design  Of  A  Intelligent Cloud  Message  Pushing  System                                            
    In recent years, with the large popularity of mobile devices (e.g., smartphone and tablet PC) and the increasing movement of the mobile cloud computing , mobile cloud applications have already accounted for a big market of the mobile application, and will continue this trend by the time .Nowadays, there are a lot of examples of mobile cloud application, the mobile cloud push is one of them and has been widely used at home and abroad.
    This paper firstly give a brief introduction of the basic information of the mobile cloud computing ,analyzes the mobile cloud push with the concepts, methods and related domestic third-party platform in detail, then presents the developing mobile cloud application - intelligent cloud message pushing system ,which is designed to get message from the Internet and push to certain person. Through those methods,we can realize the big advantage the mobile cloud computing brought from our own experience.
    Keywords: cloud push,mobile cloud computing,message pushing methods,domain data mining
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    2 移动云计算介绍    2
    2.1移动云计算概念    2
    2.2移动云计算特点和优势    2
    2.3云服务REST方法介绍    3
    2.4本章小结    4
    3 移动云推送调研    5
    3.1移动云推送介绍    5
    3.2消息推送方法介绍    5
    3.3本章小结    8
    4 国内常用第三方云推送平台介绍    9
    4.1百度云推送    9
    4.2个推    11
    4.3极光推送    13
    4.4小结    13
    5 智能云推送系统设计    15
    5.1设计背景    15
    5.2需求分析    15
    5.3概要设计    15
    5.4详细设计    21
    5.5成果展示    33
    5.6本章小结    36
    结  论    37
    致  谢    38
    参 考 文 献    39
    1 绪论
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