     Development of Children’s Graphic Cognitive Training Application
    Abstract: Under the premise of the rapid development of today's Android platform, paper discusses the significance of children education applications on the smart phone platform and children education applications' situation and development trend at home and abroad. Through the research of the large number of literature journals at home and abroad and current mainstream mobile application download platform, analyzes the development and current situation of mobile platforms educational applications, for the development provides a realistic basis. Also a brief introduction of the key technology based on the Android platform application development and related technologies of the application. The topic combining mobile learning and educational games concept design and develop a children's cognitive training graphic application based on the Android platform, the purpose is to let children know the common graphic of life in daily leisure game. The design process, first of all, is the selection of graphics and organize and classify; Followed by the analysis of the application and design to take the ideas of entertaining into the mobile educational system; And then to the entire application development coding; Last game testing, after repeated commissioning and improvement, test result achieves the expected purpose.
    Keywords:  Android; Child Education; Mobile Learning; Graphic Cognitive
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    2    基于Android开发儿童图形认知训练应用的分析    4
    2.1    应用的基本功能和基本要求    4
    2.1.1    应用的基本功能    4
    2.1.2    应用的基本要求    4
    2.2    研究的主要内容与方法    5
    2.2.1    研究的主要内容    5
    2.2.2    研究方法    5
    3    基于Android的儿童图形认知训练应用的开发与实现    7
    3.1    基于ANDROID的开发环境    7
    3.1.1    Android简介    7
    3.1.2    Android平台架构    8
    3.1.3    Android开发环境    10
    3.2    ANDROID相关技术    11
    3.2.1    Android关键知识介绍    11
    3.2.2    应用相关技术概览    13
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