    本系统主要解决学生和管理员操作两大模块,而学生模块主要包括预订座位、查看座位、退订座位,管理员模块主要包括学生查看、座位查看、名单导入、撤销座位等功能。本系统采用了JSP技术进行开发,使用MVC开发模式,它采用了当今软件设计的最新技术,具有开发效率高、设计灵活、生成界面美观等特点。本系统中通过JDBC驱动和SQL Server数据库进行连接,是一个开源数据库系统,具有较高的完整性、一致性和安全性。21119
    毕业论文关键词:图书馆; 座位预定; JSP; MVC开发模式; 数据库
    Title       Design and Implementation of Library Seat
       Management System                         
    With the rapid development of computer and communication technology, mankind has gradually entered the information society, people will be more use of electronic information management instead of manualmanagement, which will effectively improve the efficiency of management.
    Seat management system of library is the school on themechanism of resource management of the library is important one annulus, can bring convenience for students, and can reasonably distribute the seat resources.
    This system is mainly to solve the students andadministrators of two modules, and the student module includes seats, seat, seat to check, the administrator module includes student view, view, import, revocation listseats seats and other functions. The system uses JSP technology development, the use of MVC developmentmodel, it uses the latest technology of today's software design, has the characteristics of high efficiency, flexible design, produce beautiful interface etc.. Through the JDBC driver and SQL Server database in this system are connected, is an open source database system, integrity,consistency and high security.
    Keywords: library; reservations; JSP; MVC model;database
    目  次

    1 引言    1
    1.1课题背景以及社会现状    1
    1.2课题背景方向及目的    1
    1.3课题急需解决问题    2
    1.4 主要工作    2
    2 需求分析和可行性分析    3
    2.1系统设计的原则    3
    2.1.1系统设计的架构    3
    2.1.2功能模块说明    3
    2.2系统可行性分析    4
    2.3 软件设计原则及系统设计原则    4
    3 系统开发环境及工具    7
    3.1 系统开发环境    7
    3.1.1 Windows8搭载JDK1.7    7
    3.2 系统开发工具    7
    3.2.1 MyEclipse2013/2014    7
    3.2.2 Tomcat    8
    3.2.3 SQL server2008    8
    3.1.4 JSP    8
    4 数据库设计    10
    4.1 数据库需求分析    10
    4.2 数据库概念结构设计    10
    4.3 数据库E-R图设计    11
    4.4 数据库逻辑结构设计    12
    4.5 数据库物理结构设计    13
    5 系统实现    15
    5.1 用户登录界面    17
    5.2 学生管理界面    18
    5.2.1 修改密码    18
    5.2.2 座位选择    19
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