    关键词  楼宇监测  灾害防范  火灾预警系统  无线传感器  ZigBee  
    Title    The design and implementation of wireless fire alarm system                
    In the rapid economical development today, with the increasing of high-rise buildings, underground street and large comprehensive buildings, fire hazard problems have gradually exposed in the line of sight of people.  Most of the current fire warning devices still use wall-mounted or overhang type node installation, comes in the form of cable transmission data to management control center, and ring through the alarm bell.But this way need to carried out the building wall to accomplish the line layout, if the line which inside wall aging or damaged, it will waste a lot of manpower material resources to break the wall and rewiring.
    This paper focus on intelligent household, building monitoring actual requirements, design a long-distance wireless sensor node based on ZigBee and wireless sensors in order to improve the effectiveness and robustness of the fire alarm system..
    Experiments prove that the node performance is good,can accurately detect the flame and the combustible gas signal. Through to the network layer test, proving that the wireless packet loss rate of fire alarm system and data transmission are also relatively stable,  compared with the traditional form, wired alarm has obvious advantages.
     Keywords  disaster preparedness  risk monitoring  fire warning system  wireless sensor  ZigBee
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 论文背景    1
    1.2 研究目的及意义    3
    1.3 论文组织    3
    2 无线传感网络简介    4
    2.1 传感器简介    4
    2.2 A/D转换器原理    6
    2.3 ZigBee通信协议的产生和特点    6
    2.4 ZigBee在各层间的应用    7
    2.5 无线传感网络工作方式    8
    2.6 无线传感器网络节点    9
    3 硬件设备及开发工具    10
    3.1 硬件设备    10
    3.2 开发工具    11
    4 无线火灾报警系统系统设计与实现    17
    4.1 系统设计思路    17
    4.2 烟雾火焰传感器    17
    4.3 节点之间的绑定组网    19
    4.4 协调器    20
    4.5 OSAL    21
    4.6 主函数main()    23
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