
    摘要无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSNs)是一种新兴的技术。如今,伴随着无线传感网的发展和产业化,其安全问题备受关注,安全性是无线传感器网络面对的主要挑战之一。由于传感器节点大多部署在无人值守的环境中,因而传感器网络更容易受到各种潜在的攻击。一旦安全受到威胁,可能会带来严重的后果,比如信息窃取、隐私泄露。有效防御这些攻击,降低攻击对传感器网络造成的破坏和影响,是维护传感器网络安全的重要手段。60138


    关键词  无线传感器网络 网络攻防


    Title   Design and Realization of Typical Wireless Sensor    Network Attack and Defense Simulation System          


    Wireless sensor networks is an emerging technology. Now, with the development and industrialization of the wireless sensor network, the security concerns. Security is one of the major challenges faced by the wireless sensor networks. Since most of the sensor nodes are deployed in unattended environments, the sensor network is more vulnerable to a variety of potential attacks, causing serious consequences, such as theft or loss of privacy. Effective defense against these attacks and reducing the damage caused by the attacks on sensor networks is an important means to maintain the sensor network security. 

    This paper presents several kinds of typical attack and defenses:black hole attacks, selective forwarding attacks and node replication attacks.The simulation platform is designed to solve some of the existing problems,such as inconvenience, scalability, no graphical interface.You can easily set up an experiment parameters to produce statistical results.The platform does not depend on the specific operating system, and is easy to expand.

    Keywords  Wireless sensor networks  Network attack and defense


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 无线传感器网络的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 无线传感器网络的研究现状 4

    1.3 本文研究工作 7

    1.4 论文结构 8

    2 需求分析 8

    2.1 平台核心功能 8

    2.2 黑洞攻击行为 9

    2.3 选择性转发行为 10

    2.4 节点复制攻击行为 12

    2.5 仿真过程及其结果可视化需求 14

    3 系统设计与实现 15

    3.1 模块设计 15


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