





    毕业论文关键词: 超分辨率重建,噪声,模糊核,分层贝叶斯,软件设计


    Title    Based on hierarchical Bayesian multiple images   super resolution algorithms and software                


    Super-resolution reconstruction is the second generation of recovery technology to use a sequence of degenerative low resolution images to rebuild one (or sequence) high resolution clear image. It can effectively make up for the inadequacy of improving the image resolution from the hardware. It has a broad application prospect in the aviation imaging, remote sensing imaging, medical imaging and many other fields.

    This paper has the following three main research results:

    (1)After briefly explaining the concept of noise and blur kernel, this paper introduces a blind determination method of a noise image’s Gaussian noise variance and a multiscale iterative method using local image structure directional derivative to estimate the blur kernel. And this paper describes the specific steps and flow chart of the two methods.

    (2)Building a super-resolution restoration model and image degradation processes, and on this basis, introducing a based on the horizontal and vertical gradient L1 sparse image prior model. It provides a theoretical basis for implementing reconstruction algorithm in the future.

    (3)By Matlab, this paper gives an image super-resolution modular design based on hierarchical Bayesian. And implementing a super-resolution reconstruction software based on hierarchical Bayesian. This software includes non-blind super resolution, blind super resolution and blind parameter estimation and other functions. This software is simple, running well, using a large number of test cases show that the software has a very high accuracy.

    Keywords: Super-resolution reconstruction, noise, blur kernel,         Hierarchical Bayesian, software design.

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 课题背景与意义 5

    1.2 超分辨模型与算法的研究现状 6

    1.3 本文工作 7

    2 图像超分辨问题中的退化参数估计方法 8

    2.1 引言 8

    2.2 单幅图像的噪声方差估计方法

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