    摘要随着互联网在全世界的快速发展,互联网中频繁出现了数据被修改、信息被窃取、服务器被恶意攻击等网络安全事件,网络安全已经成为个人用户使用计算机进行上网最担心的问题之一。所以,如何解决用户的网络安全问题是Internet发展的一种趋势, 防火墙就是其中一种比较成功的技术,它能够有效的过滤进出网络的数据包,放行合法的数据信息,阻止非法的数据信息,从而达到对网络进行监控,保证了用户免受互联网中恶意攻击的风险。
    关键词  防火墙  恶意攻击  数据包拦截  包过滤 
    Title    Research and implementation of network
        firewall technology
    With the rapid development of the Internet in the world, the Internet appears frequently data is modified, the information is stolen, the server is malicious attacks and other network security events, network security has become one of the issues that people are most worried about the use of computers in the Internet. So, how to solve the problem of network security is a trend of Internet development, network firewall is one of the more successful technology,it can effectively filter out network packets, release legitimate data, prevent illegal data, so as to monitor the network,and reduces the risk of the user being attacked in the Internet.
    For firewall packet interception, I studied the basic principles and the firewall packet filtering technology, and for the personal firewall features, combined with knowledge of windows system, completed the design and implementation of a personal firewall to help solve network security problems for inpidual users. Firstly, a brief introduction to the topic, and then introduced the firewall packet interception of related technologies, and the design and implementation of a personal firewall module, and finally introduces the problem I encountered during the design and experience of the software design.
    Keywords  Firewall    Malicious attacks    Intercept data packets  
    Packet filtering
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
        1.1 课题背景    1
        1.2 课题目的    1
        1.3 课题任务    1
        1.4 论文的组织结构    2
        1.5 本章小结    2
    2 网络防火墙技术的研究    3
    2.1 防火墙的分类    3
    2.1.1 包过滤防火墙    3
    2.1.2 应用代理型防火墙    5
    2.1.3 状态检测型防火墙    5
    2.2 开发工具的选用以及开发技术的介绍    5
    2.2.1 开发工具Visual C++ 6.0    5
    2.2.2 Windows网络体系结构    6
    2.2.3 Windows网络数据包拦截技术    8
    2.3 本章小结    8
    3 防火墙系统的总体设计    9
        3.1 需求分析     9
    3.1.1 功能需求     9
    3.1.2 程序功能设计    9
    3.2 总体设计    9
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