




     Design and Implementation of Online Exam System Based on Java MVC


    With the development of computer technology, network communication technology, multimedia technology and Internet, the online examination based on Intent is more and more popular among the educational institutions and the teachers.

    Online exam system is better than traditional paper exam system.At the first,the traditional exam has so many shortcomings.It has a so complicated process.For example,the beginning is the original manual paper print and then is receiving the paper,after is collecting the paper,the final is announcing the scores.From the paper produced to the exam have on,the process needs a lots of people to complete and the cost of the traditional exam is very large.But the online exam system can do it better .It just needs a web to complete thoroughly and reduces the cost and the degree of the complexity.

    This paper uses the concept of software engineering, web design, database design, system architecture and so on.The students can join the I design a available online exam system which  the students can use and the teachers can design the test paper on the web and give the remarks at the same time. A teacher can log in to the system at any time.Also for the students to see the situation of the exam.This paper puts forward the design scheme of on-line examination system, focuses on the system architecture, the key function module of the system and the important technology of implementing the system.

    Keywords: Java; MVC model; Database technology; Online exam


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iv

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 可行性调研 1

    1.1.1 国内外研究状况 1

    1.2 开发环境及相关技术介绍 1

    1.2.1 开发环境JDK1.8 2

    1.2.2 SpringMVC框架 2

    1.2.3 Spring应用程序框架

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