    毕业论文关键词: 企业管理;网络;自动化
    Enterprise management network automation system design and implementation of logistics management module
    Abstract:At present, the computer has been completely integrated into the People's Daily life and enterprise automation management has become a basic way of management, which requires each link all balanced development. Therefore, from the aspects of hardware and software enterprises set up an automated management platform for the company. This system realized the user login, subscription function, purchasing function, goods storage, processing and outbound again put in storage, access control management, and other functions, has the use of the system is stable and management convenient, small error rate, reduce employment and economic benefits of a bit. System USES has reduced staff, improve work efficiency, save time, information process, better and faster more convenient than traditional paper records. System development software is PHP back-end data is MySQL.
    Key words: The enterprise management;Network; automation
    企业管理网络自动化系统设计与实现——物流管理模块    2
    1.    概述    1
    1.1    选题背景    1
    1.2    企业管理网络自动化的目的和意义    2
    1.3    系统架构    4
    1.4    技术分析    4
    1.4.1    数据库分析    4
    1.4.2    基本信息模块技术分析    5
    1.4.3    进货管理模块技术分析    5
    1.5    PHP技术    5
    1.5.1    什么是PHP    5
    1.5.2    PHP语言的优势    5
    1.5.3    PHP版本升级    6
    1.5.4    什么是MySQL    8
    1.5.5    MySQL的一些优点    8
    2.    系统分析    9
    2.1.1    需求分析    9
    2.1.2    可行性分析    9
    2.1    系统功能结构    10
    3.    系统架构    14
    3.1    概念结构设计    14
    3.2    数据字典    15
    3.3    数据流图    15
    4.    系统的详细设计    16
    4.1    数据库总体设计    16
    4.2    人机界面设计    16
    4.2.1    主窗体设计    16
    4.2.2    登录状态界面    17
    4.2.3    系统主页面    18
    4.2.4    添加管理员界面    18
    4.2.5    管理管理员界面    19
    4.2.6    修改密码界面    20
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