    摘要: 本课题是关于地铁站台及出口路径异常检测程序设计。使用C#语言编写出对地铁站台及出口路径进行异常情况检测的程序,其中特别是对关于xml文件的读入和读出以及异常检测的算法进行了分析。在课题的整个设计实践过程中,首先,我对上海一些重要地铁设施进行了实地的走访和调研,在调研的数据下,合理、恰当地做好了地铁站台及出口路径的数据模型的分析,设计并找出本课题需要用到的数据,进行调用,其中主要包含人流控制及安全疏散和预警的设计等。其次,在系统设计方面,我也了解了一些其他异常检测的算法,并对程序设计不同模块进行可行性分析。最后,运用C#的语言环境,尝试对xml文件的读取且使用异常检测的算法去写出程序,来将课题完成。21498
    毕业论文关键词:    地铁站台;xml数据存储;异常报警检测;计算机异常检测算法;c#语言。
    The Abnormality Detection of Subway Station and Exit Path
    Abstract: This paper is a program about the abnormality detection of subway station and exit path. Using the C# language to write a program about the abnormality detection of subway station and exit path, in particular with regard to the xml file is read into the read-out and abnormality detection algorithms and analyzed. Throughout the design process of practice issues, first, I have some important Shanghai subway facilities conducted field visits and research, in the survey data, reasonable and proper to do an analysis of the data model and the subway station exit path design and identify the topics need to use data call, which consists mainly of crowd control and security evacuation and warning design. Secondly, in terms of system design, I also know some other abnormality detection algorithms, and program design feasibility analysis of different modules. Finally, the use of C # language environment, try to read the xml file and use abnormality detection algorithm to write procedures to be completed subject. Detection algorithm to write procedures to be completed subject.
    Keywords:    Subway Station; XML Data Storage; Abnormal Alert Detection; Computer Abnormality Detection Algorithm; C# Language
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的及意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    1.4    研究内容    2
    1.5    文本安排    2
    2    技术背景    3
    2.1    XML技术    3
    2.2    异常检测算法    3
    3    地铁数据模型分析    5
    3.1    概要分析    5
    3.2    地铁数据模型    5
    3.3    异常检查点的设置    8
    3.3.1    分析概要    8
    3.3.2    各种监测点设置    8
    4    系统详细设计    11
    4.1    系统功能结构概述    11
    4.2    功能设计    11
    4.3    系统功能结构详细设计    12
    5    系统实现    17
    5.1    UI实现    17
    5.2    LOAD XML界面设计    18
    5.3    选择规则设定    20
    5.4    选择监听设置    23
    5.5    设置成功后报警    25
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