    摘要:    人力资源管理系统的开发实现,可以迅速、有效地收集各种信息,加强内部的信息沟通。各种用户可以直接从系统中获得自己所需的各种信息,并根据相关的信息做出决策和相应的行动方案。系统采用ASP.NET作为开发平台,后台开发语言为C#。系统从使用者的角度分为两块,分别是员工自助,包括查看公告、修改个人资料和申请管理等;管理员系统管理,包括公告管理、部门管理、职位管理等。划分模块时,根据功能和数据对象,按模块划分的高内聚原则,将系统划分为:部门管理、职位管理、员工管理、公告管理、申请管理和静态数据管理751个模块。通过集中式的信息库、自动处理信息、员工自助服务、各种信息共享,达到降低成本、提高效率、改进系统管理员和所有员工服务模式的目的。4687
    关键词:    人力资源管理;C#;使用者;功能模块;高效
    Development of the human resources management system
    Abstract:      The development of the human resources management system, can collect all kinds of information quickly and efficiently, and strengthen internal communication. Various users can get a variety of information they need from the system directly, and in accordance with the relevant information to make decisions and the appropriate course of action. System using ASP.NET as a development platform, the background development language is C #. From the user's point of view is divided into two, namely the employee self-service, including viewing the announcement, modify personal data and application management; the administrator system management, including the announcement management, department management, job management. According to the functions and data objects of, and obey the module division's high cohesion principle, the system can be divided into: departmental management, job management, staff management, bulletin management, application management and static data management six modules. Centralized repository of information, automatic processing of information, employee self-service, a variety of information-sharing, to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and improve the system’s service models of administrator and all employees.
    Keywords:  Human Resources Management; C #; Users; Functional Modules; Efficient
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    2    系统分析    3
    2.1    可行性分析    3
    2.2    需求分析    3
    2.2.1    系统功能说明    4
    2.2.2    数据流图DFD    8
    2.2.3    数据字典 DD    9
    3    设计    13
    3.1    主要功能模块详细设计    13
    3.1.1    主模块设计    13
    3.1.2    登录模块    13
    3.1.3    部门管理模块    14
    3.1.4    职业管理模块    15
    3.1.5    员工管理模块    16
    3.1.6    申请管理模块    17
    3.1.7    公告管理模块    19
    3.1.8    静态数据库模块    20
    3.2    数据库设计    22
    3.2.1    E-R图    22
    3.2.2    关系模式    25
    3.2.3    建表    26
    3.2.4    关系图    29
    4    实现    30
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