    关键词   高光谱图像   支持向量机   混合核函数   稀疏多元逻辑回归 
    Title Supervised  Hyperspectral Imagery Classification  With Several Machine Learning Methods                               
    As a subfield of hyperspectral imagery analysis, hyperspectral imagery (HSI) classification is great valuable in academic research and real application. This article discusses the hyperspectral classification methods and its improved algorithm based on support vector machine (SVM) and multinomial logistic regression (MLR).  
    SVM is a new machine learning method based on the statistical learning theory, in this article, we clarify the basis principle of SVM. In order to improve the learning ability and generalization performance, we design and realize a new SVM algorithm based on composite kernel. Experimental results on real hyperspectral data sets demonstrated that composite kernels enhanced the classification accuracy as compared to traditional approaches that take into account the single kernel only.
    The current classification methods are mostly based on the constraint of spectral information, this paper will achieve a classification methods based on spatially adaptive total variation regularization learnt from sparse multinomial logistic regression classifier. Experimental results demonstrated that this approach outperforms the previous methods.
    Keywords  hyperspectral image,  support vector machine,  composite kernels, sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR), spatially adaptive total variation regularization(SpATV)
     目   次
    1  引言(或绪论)    1
    1.1 研究的背景与意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状概述    2
    1.3章节安排与主要工作    2
    2 支持向量机-SVM    4
    2.1 线性分类    4
    2.1.2 最大间隔分类器    4
    2.2 线性可分到线性不可分    5
    2.2.1 原始问题到对偶问题    5
    2.2.2使用松弛变量处理离群点的方法    8
    2.2.3 核函数    10
    2.3 混合核函数    12
    2.3.1 Mercer核函数    12
    2.3.2 高光谱图像分类的复合核函数    13
    2.4 高光谱图像SVM分类流程    14
    2.5 本章小结    14
    3 基于逻辑回归和空间域梯度稀疏正则化两阶段精细化分类方法    15
    3.1 多元逻辑回归    15
    3.2 空间域全变差正则化精细分类    16
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