    关键词  自主迁移框架  数据可视化 实时监控  迁移管理
    Title    Design and Implementation of Autonomous Migration
    Framework of Live Migration of Virtual Machine Management System
    Cloud computing is a hot technology in the current information age.It uses the virtualization technology to achieve the integration of resources,and provides it to the users in the form of services,so that users can use the efficient and reliable computing and storage resource.In the cloud computing system,the efficient management of server resource by virtual machine migration technology can improve the usage of server resource, make the server load balancing and fault recovery unconsciously.
    Realize the monitoring of the resource of cloud computing system and the management of the virtual machine migration through the live migration of virtual machine management system.The main task is the design and implementation of autonomous migration framework of live migration of virtual machine management system.Design the interface of resource information collection module,and show server configure information ,use and allocation of resource in the cloud computing system.Design the interface of live migration scheduling module ,submit migration request automatically or manually, and show the virtual machine migration information.
    Keywords  Autonomous Migration Framework    Data Visualization
    Real-time Monitoring   Migration Management
     目   录
    1    引言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究意义    1
    1.3    研究内容    2
    1.4    本文结构    2
    2    系统相关技术    4
    2.1    Struts2框架    4
    2.2    Ajax技术    5
    2.3    Tomcat服务器    5
    2.4    MySQL数据库    5
    2.5    Hibernate技术    6
    3    需求分析    7
    3.1    系统总体需求分析    7
    3.2    系统功能描述    7
    3.2.1    状态信息管理模块    7
    3.2.2    迁移信息管理模块    8
    3.3    接口描述    9
    3.3.1    状态感知模块接口    9
    3.3.2    自主迁移调度模块接口    9
    4    系统详细设计    10
    4.1    系统架构    10
    4.2    系统结构    10
    4.3    模块设计    11
    4.3.1    状态信息管理模块    11
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