摘要: 人才招聘网络化管理系统设计的目的是实现一个具有交互功能的人才信息系统,能够在网上建立虚拟的招聘会,为招聘企业和求职者搭建一条信息传递的渠道。
系统设计上采用MVC三层结构,开发环境采用ASP.NET和 SQL Server2010,按标准化、规范化,分层设计,构件化的原则来实现。本系统主要由公司招聘管理、毕业生管理、管理员后台管理三个模块组成。其中公司招聘管理提供招聘信息发布、查询人才、筛选人才等功能;毕业生管理提供查询岗位信息、查询公司、应聘岗位、添加个人才艺等功能;管理员后台管理可管理包括新闻公告、招聘公司、毕业生信息、留言等模块的后台管理。22482
毕业论文关键词:人才招聘 ;网络化;信息系统
Recruitment network management system
Abstract: Recruitment network management system is an interactive function of the human resources information system,which is a virtual recruitment resources information system, which is a recruitment established online. This topic mainly uses ASP.NET as a foreground development tool, and uses SQL as the background database technology to realize the online recruitment, building an information transmission channels for recruitment companies and job seekers
According to the standardized, hierarchical design, the component to realize the principle, the system design using three-tier structure and ASP.NET and SQL Server2010 as the development environment. This system mainly comprised by three modules of the company recruitment management ,graduate management ,backstage management .The company recruitment management provides recruitment information release ,query talent screening and other functions ;the graduate management provides query job information ,query add position ,the inpidual and other functions; the backstage management manage including news announcement ,recruitment company, the graduate information, such as message module management background.
In this paper, on the basis of system development, from requirement analysis, system design, system implementation,system testing, the system at four levels of detail, heavy and difficult technology in safety and consistency of design,system user authority information.
Keywords: Recruitment;Network; Information System
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 系统分析 1
1.1 系统背景 1
1.2 可行性研究分析 2
1.2.1 本课题的研究意义 2
1.2.2 调研分析 2
1.2.3 研究结论 2
1.3 系统设计思想 3
1.4 需求分析 3
1.4.1 功能需求 3
1.5 系统开发的主要技术路线 10
1.5.1 开发模式 10
1.5.2 选择的开发工具 10
2 系统概要设计 12
2.1 功能模块的概要设计 12
2.1.1 系统总体模块的概要设计 12
2.1.2 各子模块的概要设计 13
2.2 页面的概要设计 16
2.2.1 页面录与文件 16
2.2.2 页面跳转关系 16
2.2.3 网站目录表 17
2.2.4 数据流图 17
2.2.5 数据字典 18
2.2.6 数据库概念结构设计 20
- 上一篇:基于Android系统的拼图游戏开发与设计
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