    摘要随着智能手机技术的迅速的迅速发展成熟,手机App已经成为人们日常生活中必不可少的事物之一。苹果凭借自己独特的设计理念招揽大批果粉,2012年底,苹果App Store应用总数已达65万。而三星凭借Google出色的Android系统,以其廉价,实用也吸引大批粉丝,Google Play商店应用也达到45万之多。对于企业,App是目前流行的移动营销载体,是企业信息推广的核心信息传播源,为企业塑造品牌形象和精准的促进销售。对于个人开发者,App是一个开放的平台,是一个没有门槛,只要有想法有创意就可以自由门。22907
        (2)对XMPP协议的学习和研究,XMPP协议是以XML为基础的可扩展的即            时通信协议,继承XML的灵活的可扩展性,以XML数据流为载体进行数            据传输,协议规定了通信能够在服务器、客户端、网关三者的任意两个            之间双向发生。服务器同时承担了客户端信息记录,连接管理和信息的            路由功能。网管承担着与异构即时通信的系统可以包括SMS(短信),MSN,        ICQ等。基本的网络形式是单客户端通过TCP/IP连接到单服务器,然后        在之上传输XML。
        (3)使用Android提供的技术通信类库ASmack实现客户端手机应用模块。        ASmack是Android平台上的用于和XMPP服务器进行通信的类库。
        (4)程序完成演示效果。使用OpenFire和Android模拟器进行测试。本软        件完成基本聊天功能,查看历史聊天纪录,手机端的相关设置等功能。
    关键字: AndroidXMPP 即时通信
    Research and Implementation of Android Moblie Instant Message System
    Abstract: Today, in the modern society of information of the 21st century , mobile phones and other wireless devices has been infiltrated by people lives and works, smart phones leisure and entertainment applications has become the mainstream market trends. Along with the upgrading of the network - the popularity of 3G, 4G emergence of people's lives has been inseparable from the network gradually. With continuously improve of the performance of smart phones, a emergence of Android mobile phone development and application appeared。
    This article aims to design a Android mobile instant messaging system, the goal is to implement the communication between the phone and the phone. Mobile terminal equipment available there are some restrictions on the use instant messaging software, communication protocols different result between different client software can not communicate, but cross-platform XMPP protocol can work around this limitation. The system uses the open-source Openfire communication server, the MySQL database to store user data, with ASmack class library for client development. In this thesis, do the work of the following aspects:
    (1) Analyze the significance of this stage phone instant messaging market situation and prospects, as well as design subsection applications.
    (2) Do the research and analysis on the XMPP protocol XMPP protocol based on XML-based scalable real-time communication protocols, the inherited XML flexible scalability, XML data stream as the carrier for data transmission, the Agreement provides that communications can in the server, the client, gateway any two of the three bi-directionally between.
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