    摘要随着多媒体的普及,图像作为信息的一种重要载体,已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。图像中一个非常重要的信息就是纹理特征。纹理是一种十分重要的视觉线索 ,是普遍存在于图像中而又难以描述的特征,也是图像解析的一个极其重要的信息来源。纹理的分类与分割是图像处理领域中的一个热点话题, 作为纹理分类与分割的首要问题, 纹理特征提取一直是人们关注的焦点。纹理分析在模式识别,计算机视觉,图像处理等领域都有重要的地位。对纹理特征的研究最重要的也就是纹理特征的提取。
    关键词  纹理;特征提取;灰度共生矩阵;LBP;gabor变换;分类;SVM
    Title  Image Texture Feature Extraction and Analysis of
            Classification Performance                        
    With the popularity of Multimedia,Image as a major carrier of information, has become an indispensable part of our life.The important information of images is the texture feature. Texture is one of a key visual cue,which is hard to describe in image processing field,also is one of the most important sources of information in image analysis.Texture classification and segmentation is a hot research topic in the field of image processing. As the primary issue in texture classification and segmentation,feature extraction has been the focus for researchers.Texture analysis has an important position in pattern recognition,computer vision,image processing and so on.The significant thing of studying on feature extraction is the extraction of texture features.
    In the past few decades,Texture feature extraction technique has made great progress and all kinds of texture feature extraction algorithms emerge in an endless stream.Texture feature extraction algorithm can be pided into four categories in general—structural analysis method, statistical analysis method,frequency domain analysis and modeling method.For example,Some widely used famous algorithms are gray level co-occurrence matrix,LBP,Gabor transform and so on. The essence of texture feature is a global feature,which describes the surface properties of the image or the image regions corresponding to a scene.
    This dissertation first introduces three kinds of texture feature extraction algorithms,outlines each algorithm principle and formula.Then extract the texture characteristics of different remote sensing images using the three algorithms as aforementioned,and compares the extracted feature vectors.For remote sensing images of the same class (e.g. farmland),extracted feature vectors should be similar.For remote sensing images of different classes (e.g. farmland and city region),extracted features should have a large distances among classes. Finally,we use the SVM to classify images,and test the classification ability of different texture features.It is difficult to judge that which algorithm is the best, but for different image or texture,different algorithms have their own advantages and disadvantages.
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