    Passenger Ticket Management Information System
    Abstract: With the development of Internet and the increasing of users, the Internet plays a quite important part for enterprises and institutions in the operation and development. Trading on line has gradually been recognized and become the direction of future transactions. Artificial ticketing service is hard to meet the needs for the people who will buy tickets. People need a more convenient and efficient way to buy tickets. So, the development of passenger ticket management information system is imperative. To this end, this paper will discuss about how to achieve the B/S structure of the passenger ticket management system. First, I have understood ticketing process in reality; then, I have analyzed the task for various roles; Finally, I have combined with each part of a systematic. The modules of system include trips inquiries, reservations, ticketing, refund, user management, information management, message management and so on. I have also studied the safety of B/S structure in the network and proposed appropriate solutions in paper. Then, the system will enhance the efficiency of staff to deal with ticketing in Passenger transportation management center, reduce the workload and reduce the error which is caused by the traditional way, and provide a more convenient and efficient way to buy tickets for the members. This paper analyzes some ideas in design of passenger ticket management system, the basic functions, and the development. It includes system analysis, system structure, function modules, database schema analysis and so on. Achieve data consistency and security, and application functions, in line with the requirements of the typical management information system (MIS). [1] [2]
    The keywords: Passenger Transport; Ticket Management; Management Information System; B/S Structure
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景    1
    1.2    系统开发的目的    1
    1.3    系统开发的意义    2
    1.4    调研情况    2
    1.5    章节简介    2
    2    B/S模式和开发平台    4
    2.1    B/S模式的概念    4
    2.2    开发工具介绍    4
    2.2.1    .NET的特点    4
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