    摘要:    随着信息技术的高速发展,越来越多的技术被运用到人们的实际生活中来,为人们的生活提供了便捷、高效。现在各个领域都在利用最先进的信息技术为自己的生产发展添加新的动力。信息技术在商业领域上有着重要的地位。如今,各大商业集团无不在利用信息技术进行着集团的商业操作运转。对于商业集团来说,最重要的是利用信息技术来对客户资源信息进行管理存储,详细分析。只有做好了这点,集团才能在整个行业领域中找到立足之地。任何事物一旦有了需求,必然会有解决需求的产品来为其服务,因此针对各大商业集团的需求的客户资源管理系统便应运而生了。通过客户资源管理系统可以将商业集团与客户之间的关系明了的展示出来,为管理,商业运作,和信息分析提供了重要的手段。本次的课题就采用了C#编写的前台程序,结合Access数据库为中小型企业提供一个简单的客户资源信息的管理系统。23226
    毕业论文关键词:    管理系统;存储;数据库;C#;
    Customer resource management system
    Abstract:     With the rapid development of information technology, more and more technology is applied to real-life people in the past, people's lives by providing a convenient and efficient. Now all fields in the use of the most advanced information technology to add new impetus to the development of its own production. IT in the business world has an important position. Today, all the major business groups in the use of information technology for the Group's business operations running. For business groups, the most important is the use of information technology to manage information stored on the client resources, a detailed analysis. Only do this point, the group to find a foothold in the industry fields. Once everything has been demand, will have products to address the needs of their service, so the demand for the Group's major commercial customer resource management system was born. By customer resource management system can be the relationship between the customer and business group showing clear out, for the management, business operations , and information analysis provides an important tool. The topics on the use of foreground program written in C#, combined with the Access database management system provides customers with a simple resource information for small and medium enterprises.

    Keywords:    Management system; storage; database; C#
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本课题的研究背景和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3    发展趋势    2
    1.4    本课题的重点与难点    3
    1.5    开发采取的方法和技术    3
    1.6    选择的工具    6
    2    分析    7
    2.1    需求分析    7
    2.2    可行性分析    8
    3    设计    9
    3.1    设计概要    9
    3.2    数据库设计    10
    3.3    登录模块    12
    3.4    功能选择模块    14
    3.5    客户类别模块    16
    3.6    客户职务模块    24
    3.7    客户单位模块    31
    3.8    客户通信模块    38
    3.9    商业往来模块    45
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