摘要: 在计算机、多媒体技术飞速发展的年代,以图像为主的多媒体信息被广泛地应用在了各个领域。图像中的文字信息在一定程度上反映了该图像的部分内容,形成对图像内容的简练描述或说明。提取和检测这些图像文字对于图像的理解、检索和浏览等都具有重要意义。其中准确检测提取图像中的文字区域是正确识别图像中文字信息的关键。23692
关键词: 边缘检测;文字区域;形态学处理;腐蚀处理
Research detection algorithm about text area in image
Abstract: By the rapid development of computer technology and multimedia technology,image-based multimedia information is widely used in various fields. Text embedded in images reflects some content of the image to a certain extent,creates a concise description of the image content. Therefore the technology of text extraction has great significance for images understanding,retrieval and browsing etc. To accurately extract text area from the image is the key step for correctly understanding the image text information.
As the current hot research in the field of computer,the topic of text area extraction from images has a number of algorithms at present,such as algorithm based on image edge,based on connective domain,based on texture,based on learning,based on corner etc. Because the image has complex background,different text sizes,various colors and scattered text distribution,there difficulties limit the accuracy and efficiency of algorithms above.
To improve the inadequate of current algorithms,this paper firstly proposes a method based on image gray feature. First,changes the color image into gray image,then extracts text area by averagely piding the image into rows and using method of morphological processing. Experiments show that it is effective either the image background is complex or text sizes are different.
Keywords: Edge Detection; Text Area; Morphological processing; Corrosion processing
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 文字区域检测提取理论 2
1.1.1 图像中文字分类 2
1.1.2 图像中文字特征 2
1.2 图像识别的特征 2
2 分析 4
2.1 基于图像内容特征描述 4
2.1.1 颜色特征 4
2.1.2 纹理特征 4
2.1.3 形状特征 4
2.1.4 空间关系特征 5
2.2 图像灰度化 5
2.3 图像处理技术 6
2.3.1 边缘图像检测 6
2.3.2 图像二值化方法 8
2.3.3 形态学处理方法 10
2.4 基于灰度图像的文字区域检测提取 12
2.4.1 基本原理 12
2.4.2 矩形区域的处理 12
2.4.3 文字区域确定 12
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