    Modern Agricultural Management System Based On Web
    Abstract:As computer technology getting develop and mature, it shows comprehensive applications in the field of agriculture management. In terms of application forms,information technology exists in computer software system of different types different levels in agriculture like Agricultural Management Information System, Agricultural Decision Support Systems, Agricultural Expert System, Agricultural simulation model system. The Agricultural Management Information System,is the information system which focus on agricultural production, management,collection, arrangement, classification, retrieval and export of the scientific information.Both as independent system servicing at agricultural production, management, research and Agricultural Decision Support Systems.A modern agricultural management systems for management of Modern Agricultural Park will be designed as manual records are tedious and large errors. Modern agricultural management systems includes research management module,human resources management module,land management module, funds management module.It helps management finish the  information management to Modern Agricultural Park.The system based on the B/S,developed in the environment of php+mysql+apache, follow the architecture of MVC which propitious to expand, upgrade and maintain.
    Key Words:  Agricultural management system;php;MVC;information
    一、引言    1
    (一) 课题研究的背景    1
    (二) 国内外现代农业信息系统的研究状况    1
    1、国外研究状况    1
    2、国内研究状况    2
    (三) 选题的目的与意义    3
    二、系统分析    4
    (一) 可行性分析    4
    1、 技术可行性    4
    2、 经济可行性    4
    3、 社会可行性    4
    (二) 系统需求分析    4
    (三) 业务流程图    5
    (四) 系统功能分析    6
    (五) 数据流程图    7
    三、系统总体设计    8
    (一) 系统开发环境及技术    8
    1、 系统开发环境    8
    2、 B/S架构    8
    3、MVC开发模式    8
    4、面向对象思想    9
    (二) 系统模块设计    9
    1、 系统流程图    9
    2、功能模块图    10
    (三) 数据库总体设计    10
    1、 数据库概念结构设计    10
    2、 数据库逻辑结构设计    12
    3、 数据库物理结构设计    12
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