    本次我的网站采用的开发环境是Visual Studio 2010,技术是Asp.net,同时采用Sql Server2008建立数据库来存储本系统的数据。在我的图书购物网站中,实现了以下几个功能模块,会员的注册与登陆,图书上下架的管理及展示,购物车,顶顶,新闻的管理与信息等一些功能,他们的结合成就了我的图书购物网站。
    [毕业论文关键词]:图书购物网站,asp.net,SQL Server,网上购书,经营成本低
    Online shopping, product information is retrieved via the Internet, and send a request via e-shopping order form, then fill in the personal check or credit card account numbers or third-party payment platform Furthermore is cash on delivery, vendors shipped by mail order, or by courier delivery..
    In today's 21st century network Internet has become an indispensable part of people's lives because of the convenience and benefits, most people prefer to shop online. The home, office, cell phone anytime, anywhere to buy their own to buy things, because this pattern throughout the 21st century has not accepted too traditional sales model, so the way web-based platform has been fully demonstrated the opportunity, we can said the online platform into our lives, changed our lives. In such a situation now, how to make a complete shopping network into a station platform, in order to meet customer needs, has become an important factor in the rapid development of this platform. On this basis, I want to develop this platform. The system is based on B / S mode network transaction systems, mainly for online book sales management, which can be quickly and easily book management, can help customers improve their work efficiency. Of course, the customer, the homes will be able to buy books, to achieve such a win-win situation.
    The site uses my development environment is Visual Studio 2010, technology is Asp.net, Sql Server2008 while using this system to build a database to store data. In my book shopping site, to achieve the following functional modules, membership registration and login, book shelf and down the management and display, shopping cart, Dingding, news and other information management and some of the features, combined with their achievements My book shopping site.

        Key words: Book shopping site, asp.net, SQL Server, online bookstores, low operating costs
    目    录
    【引言】    - 1 -
    1绪论    - 2 -
    1.1  购物网站课题背景    - 2 -
    1.2  研究意义    - 2 -
    1.3  购物网站课题目标    - 3 -
    1.4  购物网站购物网站国内外研究现状    - 3 -
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