    关键词  软件测试  遗传算法  测试用例生成  路径覆盖
    Title Research on Test Cases Generation Techniques  Based on Genetic Algorithm                                
    Software testing is the process to find defects or errors in the software and carried out, and it is an important means to ensure the quality and reliability of software.In most of the actual software development process, software testers often use a manual method to generate the required test data. When the size of program increases and program has many complex paths, the workload taken in generation of test data will increases.Then it will be very difficult to complete the coverage of all the paths of the program. As an important complement of manual testing, automatic test data generation can reduce test time. It will reduce the costs of expoitation, expand capacity of testers, and play an irreplaceable role in many areas of testing.
    Oriented-path coverage test data generation is one of the test data generation issue,which is important to be resolved. From the accurate assessment of inpidual test purposes, this paper presents test data generation method based on genetic algorithm. This method works well for small probability events search. This paper gives a method based on genetic algorithm test case generation and uses the triangle classification problem as an example, applying genetic algorithms to generate simulated test results, which show that the application of genetic algorithms to generate test cases is feasible and effective.
    Keywords  Software Testing;  Genetic Algorithms;  Test Cases Generation;
              Path Coverage
    目   录
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1  立题背景    1
    1.2  研究现状    2
    1.3  论文的结构    2
    2.  软件测试及测试用例自动生成    4
    2.1  软件测试    4
    2.1.1  软件测试原则    4
    2.1.2  软件测试方法    4
    2.2  测试用例生成方法    5
    3.  遗传算法    7
    3.1  遗传算法基本概念及操作    7
    3.2  遗传算法特点    11
    4.  基于遗传算法的测试用例生成    12
    4.1  基本思路    12
    4.2  设计与实现    12
    4.3  本文用到的实验及结果    14
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