    关键词  安卓 网上购物 JSON GridView
    Title     The design and implementation of information fusion client based on Android                                                      
         This information fusion client is a shopping system based on Android,which is to imitate the style of hot and on-sale commodity on Taobao, customers can shopping online. System show goods (such as 9 yuan with free shipping, or men’s clothes, etc.) according to user's filter conditions, commodity prices and real picture will be displayed in the list, the list is a two-column display, more user-friendly browsing. System product data request to the server according to user-selected filter criteria.Formating data with JSON is used to transmission and storage.Double-column list is displayed by Android native GridView. Clicking merchandise can enter the purchase page.Users can select the desired style to make a purchase.merchandise will be shipped by the merchants themselves. In the setting activity, users can choose whether to display high quality pictures according to their own network conditions. Inpidual settings is saved by native XML form. In this application, It is much cheaper to use this application than real life merchandising goods . Usually, this application provides discounts, merchandising and other on-sale activities.Using this application is definitely more convenience and cheaper than shopping in reality.
    Keywords  Android Online-Shopping JSON Gridview目   次

    1  引言  1
    1.1研究背景 1
    1.2国内外应用现状 2
    1.2.1网上购物现状 2
    1.2.2 App应用现状  2
    1.3研究目的和主要内容  2
    2  Android架构分析  4
            2.1 Android特征 4
    2.2 Android架构 4
    2.3 Android应用的构成和工作机制 5
    2.4 Android相对其他手机操作系统的优点  6
    3  JSON数据交换格式 7
            3.1 JSON 语法规则  7
    3.2 JSON 基础结构  7
    3.3 JSON相对其他数据交换格式的优点 7
    4  系统需求分析  10
            4.1功能需求分析  10
    4.2开发环境及硬件需求  10
    5  系统概要设计  11
            5.1总体功能  11
    5.2 流程图以及E-R图  11
    6  系统详细设计 13
            6.1总体流程设计 13
    6.2 系统逻辑结构设计  14
    7  系统实现  19
    结论  23
    致谢  24
    1  引言
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