    摘要 近年来,复杂网络社区结构检测的问题一直作为热点话题被各领域科研工作者深入研究。在本文中,我们设计了一种基于遗传理论在社交网络结构中发现社区划分的算法。该算法,使用轮盘赌选择与精英选择机制结合的方法实现遗传算法选择操作,交叉操作是对编码后的染色体进行的单点的社团代表性结点值互换,变异操作是对编码后染色体部分位值变换为其随机连接结点所在社团,并使用一个简单有效的,能够识别组间密集连接组结点的适应度函数即模块化 Q函数。实验测试数据使用三个真实世界社区网络,由邻接矩阵表示的三个数据集,实验结果与标准社区结构划分结果对比表明,该算法在真实世界网络中进行的实验能够检测到较好较接近标准划分的社区网络结构划分方法。26009
    毕业论文关键词 遗传算法 社区发现 社区结构 模块度
    Title Community detection in social networks based on the genetic algorithms
    Recently, the problem of detecting the structure of complex networks has been
    extensively studied as a hot topic in the areas of scientific research and so on.
    In this paper, we propose an algorithm to find methods of piding network
    architecture of social communities based on the genetic theory. The algorithm we
    propose in this paper, using roulette selection and elite selection mechanism
    implemented method to combine genetic algorithm selection operation, crossover
    and mutation operation.The crossover operation is based on the coded chromosome
    with one-way crossover operation in the value of the significant node of the
    community.The mutation opeartion changes the value of the node to its adjact
    node.It is possible to identify the group densely connected set of nodes with a
    probable fitness function,which is simple and effective. Experimental tested data
    uses three real-world social networks, three data sets represented by the adjacency
    matrix, the standard results of community structure piding are compared with
    the results of the experiment performed in real-world networks,which can
    successfully detect the optimal community network structure and differentiate
    their complex communities well.
    Keywords Genetic algorithm Community detecting Community structure Modularity
    目 次
    1 引言· 1
    2 遗传算法简介· 3
    2.1 算法基本介绍 3
    2.2 遗传算法的主要优点· 3
    2.3 遗传算法流程介绍 4
    2.3.1 编码与解码4
    2.3.2 选择操作·5
    2.3.3 交叉操作·5
    2.3.4 变异操作·5
    3 基于遗传算法的社区发现算法设计与实现·7
    3.1 控制参数设定8
    3.2 编码操作9
    3.3 解码操作 11
    3.4 选择操作 12
    3.5 交叉操作 13
    3.6 变异操作 14
    4 实验结果与分析·15
    4.1 Karate Club 数据集 15
    4.2 Dolphins 数据集·17
    4.3 Football 数据集·19
    4.4 结果分析·23
    结 论· 24
    致 谢· 25
    1 引言
    实世界中的复杂系统都表示成各个结构类型的网络, 比如万文网、交通网[1]
    点集和边集, 其中结点代表现实世界系统中的实体, 边则代表这些实体两两之间的某些联系,
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