    关键词  人脸识别;光照变化;离散余弦变换(DCT);局部二值化模式(LBP);局部线形导数模式(LLDP)。
    Title    Face recognition system in real-time surveillance                  
    Face recognition is one of the most popular biometric modalities  based on human facial feature. Because of its user-friendly, fast and convenient advantages,it is easy to be accepted by users, and therefore has been widely studied and has a lot of applications. Existing face recognition system have achieved satisfactory performance under controlled environment. However in the real applications, due to uncontrolled variations such as illumination, pose, expression and aging, the performance of existing system are still unsatisfactory. 
    In this paper, we mainly focus on studying recognition performances of several facial features and technologies under varying illumination conditions. Based on the MATLAB, we apply Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), local binary pattern (LBP) and local line derivative pattern (LLDP) respectively in illumination invariant face recognition. The main idea in the method based on the DCT is to discard some low-frequency coefficients to remove the effect caused by illumination variations, while the methods based on local features such as the LBP, LLDP are to pide the image into several blocks, compare each point with the neighbor points in each block, and calculate the histogram of local features to measure the similarity of facial images. Experimental results demonstrate that all of the above three techniques can improve the performance of face recognition system under varying illumination conditions.
    Keywords  Face recognition;Illumination Variations;Discrete Cosine Transform ; Local Binary Pattern;  Local Line Derivative Pattern.
    目   次
    1引言 1
    1.1课题背景… 1
    2 文献综述… 3
    2.2 人脸识别主要挑战 4
    3  基于DCT的光照不变人脸识别方法… 8
    3.2 方法及其原理 8
    3.3实验结果分析 10
    4  基于LBP的光照不变人脸识别方法…14
    4.1介绍 14
    4.2方法及其原理 14
    4.3实验结果分析 15
    5  基于LLDP特征的光照不变人脸识别方法 18
    5.1介绍 18
    5.2方法及其原理 18
    5.3实验结果分析 20
    致谢 … 24
    1  引言
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