


    Abstract: Face recognition is one computer technology which can discriminate identity by analyzing and comparing facial identification feature information.The face recognition technology has broad application prospects in the field of human-computer interaction, authentication, security and surveillance, video image processing and so on.The recognition rate of face recognition system is affected by some "non-face" factors frequently,such as changes in lighting, hairstyles, facial expressions, facial wear, etc.We do researches on face detection, normalized face image, face feature extraction, face classification of face recognition technologies firstly.After that ,we will design a BP neural network which based on face recognition algorithm and do MATLAB simulation experiment.The simulation results show that the method is highly operational and the recognition rate is high.

    Keywords: Back Propagation, Face recognition,Matlab simulation


    1  前言 3

    1.1  人脸识别的概述 3

    1.2  人脸识别发展史 3

    1.3  应用前景 3

    1.4  论文主要工作 4

    2  人脸识别的一般过程 4

    2.1  人脸识别系统框图 4

    2.2  人脸检测 5

    2.3  人脸图像规格化(预处理) 5

    2.4  人脸特征提取 6

    2.5  人脸匹配与识别 7

    3  BP神经网络 8

    3.1  生物神经元 8

    3.2  BP神经元 8

    3.3  人工神经网络 9

    3.4  BP神经网络 9

    4  MATLAB仿真 10

    4.1  MATLAB简介 10

    4.2 Matlab图像处理实例 10

    4.2.1 图像取读与类型转换类型转换 10

    4.2.2  人脸检测 11

    4.2.3  直方图均衡化和中值滤波 13

    4.3.4  边缘检测 14

    5  基于BP神经网络的人脸识别在Matlab中的实现 15

    5.1  基于BP 神经网络的人脸识别方法 15

    5.2 人脸识别的实现过程 15

    5.3 识别率分析 17

    结论 19

    参考文献 20

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