    摘要随着互联网的迅速发展,诸多领域在 Web2.0时代取得了瞩目的成就,无论是微博,微信,博客等,各种社交媒体的出现都来源于用户,发展于用户。人们在社交媒体上发布文字、图片、视频等信息,分享自己的生活与心情。随着用户数量指数增加,各类媒体社区平台上社交元素更加明显,面向用户的主题博客平台应运而生。与此同时,针对学术型用户的学术 2.0 网站也在积极发展中。不可否认,学术社交网站的建立将在学术界具有推动学术传播,加强学者交流,影响学术进程的重要意义。 为此,本文旨在为建设学术社交 2.0 网站做需求分析、系统设计等。我们首先对学术2.0 网站建站进行调研工作,并根据调研结果设计网站风格以及网站功能,最终完成网站建设和功能实现。本网站将实现从学术领域区分学者用户,并推荐相关领域影响力最大的用户的功能。除此之外,用户之间能够在本网站互相分享生活点滴和研究进程。本网站基于 python 进行开发,使用 MVC 模式,django 网站框架,以及 node.js 开发消息服务器,数据库使用 mysql。本文将从业务分析,功能分析,系统需求,系统设计等方面进行平台分析和设计解释。   27546
    毕业论文关键词  学术社交网站  django 网站建设    node 消息服务器   
    Title    Academic web2.0 Design and Development        
      Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, many fields in the Web2.0 age have made remarkable achievements, such as Sina Weibo, WeChat, blog.etc. All the social media networks originate from the users, and develop themselves with the help of users. People broadcast the text, pictures and videos on the social network websites to share the lives and mood with other guys. With the exponential growth of users’ number, different kinds of websites are having more and more social characteristics and user-generated blog platforms are shown up as well. At the same time, the scholar social websites are also growing up. It can’t be denied that, the establishment of academic website 2.0 will promote scholarly communication, strengthen academic exchanges and affect the process of academic significance.   Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to build an academic website. We made the site survey, design, and ultimately the realization of the system. This system will distinguish the scholars from the users’ fields, and recommend the most influential scholars in related field to the users. In addition, users share experiences and research process between each other. This system is built based on the python development, with the use of MTC model, django web framework, and the node. Js development message server, we also use the mysql database. This article will show us the different aspects of the Academic 2.0 website from the business analysis, function analysis, system requirements, system design platform analysis and design explanation.   Keywords    Academic social networking site,  django, node.js
    1  绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.1.1 Web2.0时代 .  1
    1.1.2 学术社交网站现状    2
    1.1 研究目的    3
    1.2 研究意义    3
    1.2.1理论意义  .  3
    1.2.2实际意义  .  4
    1.3 组织结构    4
    文献综述    5
    2.1 Web2.0   5
    2.1.1 Web2.0特征 .  5
    2.1.2 Web2.0应用 .  6
    2.2 学术2.0    7
    2.2.1 学术2.0应用  .  7
    2.3 Web2.0与学术2.0 .  8
    2.3.1 Web2.0与学术 2.0的关系   8
    2.3.2 Web2.0与学术 2.0的区别   9
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