    摘要: 本论文主要讨论了家庭理财管理系统的设计与实现,从需求分析,可行性分析,概要设计,详细设计到软件实现和软件测试等几个方面作了详细的阐述。本系统基于WEB环境,采用B/S的结构设计。在开发中采用了Python脚本语言和Django的开发框架.后台数据管理方面主要采用当前相对主流的Mysql数据库。本系统以满足用户对家庭理财需求为目标,实现了对家庭流水记录、家庭人员管理、个人理财记录和家庭流水汇总等功能。本家庭理财系统具有功能齐全,操作简单等特点。可以实现现代家庭对家庭理财的基本需求。34757
    毕业论文关键字: 家庭理财;Python脚本; Django开发框架;B/S结构
    The Design and Implementation of Family Financial Management System
    Abstract: This paper mainly discussed the design and implementation of family financial management system. Several aspects are explained in detail in this paper including requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, general design, detailed design and software realization and the software test and so on. This system is based on the environment of WEB. B/S structure is adopted to design it.The Python scripting language and the framework of the django are used during the process of development. The management of background data mainly adopts the Mysql database, which is relatively mainstream at present. The goal of the system is to meet users’ needs for family financial management, which implements the family flow record,the personnel management personal finance record and the summary of household flow and other functions. Our family financial management system has complete functions, simple operation, etc. It canrealize the basic family financial needs for modern families.
    Key Words: family finances; Python script; Django development framework; B/S structure
    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    1    绪论    5
    1.1    引言    5
    1.2    本课题的目的和意义    6
    1.2.1    本课题的目的和意义    6
    1.2.2    国内外研究现状    6
    1.2.3    未来市场占有和发展趋势    7
    1.3    技术背景    7
    1.4    开发环境    7
    1.5    开发工具简介    8
    1.5.1    Python简介    8
    1.5.2    Django简介    8
    1.5.3    Mysql简介    8
    1.5.4    Bootstrap简介    9
    2    系统分析    10
    2.1    系统概述    10
    2.1.1    系统内容概述    10
    2.1.2    系统用户概述    11
    2.2    需求分析    11
    2.2.1    客户功能需求    11
    2.2.2    软件界面设计需求    12
    2.2.3    用户管理需求细化    13
    2.3    系统可行性分析    14
    2.3.1    数据库选用    14
    2.3.2    网站开发语言的比较    14
    2.3.3    WEB服务器的概述    15
    3    系统设计    16
    3.1    概要设计    16
    3.1.1    系统功能结构    16
    3.1.2    系统数据流图    16
    3.2    详细设计    18
    3.2.1    用户注册和登录模块    18
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