    摘要:随着互联网技术的发展,对视频点播系统提出了更高的要求。流媒体技术是一种能在互联网上实时的,无需下载等待的方式播放音/视频和其他多媒体文件的技术。在有限的带宽速度下,实现视频点播的功能、网络、数字化综合发展目标。无论是从市场还是从技术上考虑,流媒体技术必将是以后视频点播的主流技术。论文首先对该课题的研究意义以及国内外的发展情况做了介绍说明。随后对流媒体技术的概念、传输方式、技术原理与编程的软件进行了说明。之后对流媒体技术的播放方式和软件应用进行了介绍。最后,展示了如何在Windows上安装,运行EASYDARWIN,最后展示了软件运行的结果。目前的视频综合集成系统多数基于TCP/IP协议传输,由于该协议技术上的局限性,在相对较低的网络带宽情况下,大量客户并发访问是目前视频综合面临的主要瓶颈。本文对流媒体服务器(Darwin Streaming Server,DSS)的开源结构进行了深入分析和研究之后,将它运用到视频综合集成系统中。在对DSS程序模块的架构和和核心流程进行了深入分析和广泛测试之后,针对服务器在客户端对音视频流媒体文件访问不受限制的问题,根据视频综合集成系统实际要求,对客户端访问做了一定的限制,从而满足视频综合应用中的安全需求。34769
    毕业论文关键词:EASYDARWIN流媒体服务器; 视频点播;流媒体技术;视频转发
    Language Learning
    Abstract:With the development of the Internet technique,we proposed the higher requirementson the system of the Video-On-Demand. The Streaming Server technique is a online real-time fashion of playing the audio/video without waiting of loading. Achieve the goal of the development of synthesize digitization, internet, function together. No matter whether we take into account the market or the technique, The Darwin Streaming Server must to be the main trend of the video on demand. The paper introduces the mean of research and the international development present situation.Second, the paper explains the concept, transmission mode technique principle and the coding software. After that, the paper introduces the playing mode and the applying of the software. Finally, the paper displays how to install and run the Easy Darwin. We also show the result of running the software. For now, the most of the video system integration are based on transmission protocols: TCP/IP. Because of the boundedness of technique, plenty of clients visit the server is the main problem in the low network bandwidth situation, The paper analyses and researches the open source structure and puts in for the system of the video integration. After texting and analyzing the core of process and the framework of the model the Darwin Streaming Server , we confine the customer’s visit client in order to solve the problem of authority of visiting the client according to the actual requirements on the video comprehensive system.
    Key Words: Easy Darwin Streaming Server; Video on demand; Technique of the Darwin Streaming; Video transponder.
    1.1 课题背景
    1.2 国内外发展情况
    1.4 论文结构和内容安排
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