    关键词  动态HTTP流媒体  多服务器  概率方法   片段请求调度
    Title    The study of chunk download scheduling schemes 
      for DASH with multiple servers         
    Recently, Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) has been widely used for video streaming services over the Internet. However, there are limited researches have been concerned on DASH over multiple servers, and it is still a challenge to guarantee the order of video chunks due to the heterogeneous and time-varying bandwidth of multiple servers. To solve this problem, in this work, we propose a probabilistic approach to chunk request scheduling for DASH with multiple servers. First, to avoid playback delay, we need to guarantee that the chunks are completely downloaded before their playback deadline. Then, our proposed scheduling scheme aims to assign the video chunks to the appropriate servers so that the video chunks are completely downloaded in order. We formulate the scheduling scheme into an optimization problem which is hard to be solved. Then, under some approximation, a near-optimal solution is found that we iteratively assign each video chunk request to the server, from which the chunk can be downloaded at the earliest time under the constraint that the chunks are completely downloaded before their playback deadline. Compared with the existing schemes, the emulation results show that our proposed scheme greatly improves the proportion of chunks that are received orderly.
    Keywords  DASH; Multiple Servers; Probabilistic Approach; Chunk Request Scheduling
     目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1 研究背景1
    1.2 国内外研究现状3
    1.3 本文主要工作4
    1.4 本文结构安排5
    2  动态HTTP流媒体技术6
    2.1 动态HTTP流媒体概述6
    2.2 片段下载调度策略7
    2.3 码率动态调整策略8
    2.4 多服务器DASH11
    2.5 小结12
    3  基于概率的片段下载调度策略13
    3.1 问题描述13
    3.2 问题求解14
    3.4 小结17
    4  仿真系统中的相关算法与优化策略18
    4.1 码率调整18
    4.2 状态切换18
    4.3 超时重传18
    4.4 小结19
    5  系统实现与仿真实验20
    5.2 运行测试20
    5.3 仿真实验24
    5.4 小结27
    结论 28
    致谢 29
    1  绪论
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