    摘要本文以复杂网络中的社团结构识别算法对知识网络的主题进行识别,系统的了解社团结构发现方法,掌握知识网络主题识别的分析指标和方法。选取有代表性的知识网络,基于社团结构的基本理论和研究方法,对知识网络的主题进行识别,并对主题的重点内容进行解释,如对重要作者、重要关键词进行识别。通过Citespace分析工具对其主题进行识别和可视化,展示知识网络的研究现状、重点主题和发展趋势。本论文以图书情报领域作为研究对象,在Web of science上抓取2008-2012年跟图书情报领域相关的7种期刊上发表的论文作为研究数据,构建合著网络和作者共引网络以及引文网络,并以此作为知识网络的代表。通过对知识网络的主题进行深层次的识别研究,横向或纵向剖析图书情报领域的发展过程、特点以及其与其他知识网络领域之间的关系,从而反映出该领域的科学研究水平及其发展历史的动态和静态结构、基础研究和技术研究之间的关系等,为揭示有关图书情报领域的动态演化关系及发展趋势提供基础和前提条件。21457
    关键字  复杂网络  社团结构  知识网络  主题识别  聚类
    Title    Identification of topics for knowledge network based on community structure found                    
    In this paper, the structure of complex networks of community recognition algorithm to identify thematic knowledge networks.Understand the community structure of the system discovery, analysis of indicators and methods to master knowledge networking topics identified.Select a representative Knowledge Network,based on the basic theories and research methods community structures,on the subject of knowledge networks to identify, and explain the key elements of the theme, as important authors, important key words to identify.By Citespace analysis tools to identify and visualize their subject,studies show the status of knowledge networks, focusing on themes and trends.In this paper, the field of library and information as the research object,in the Web of the 2008-2012 crawl on science library and information field associated with the seven journals published papers as research data,build networks and co-author co-citation network and citation network, and as a knowledge network of representatives.Through the theme of knowledge networks to identify the deeper study, the relationship between the horizontal or vertical analysis of the development of the field of library and information, features, and network with other areas of knowledge, to reflect the level of scientific research and development in the field of history dynamic and static structure, relationships between basic research and technical studies, etc., in order to reveal the dynamic field of library and information about evolutionary relationships and trends provide the basis and prerequisite conditions.
    Keywords   Complex networks   Community structure   Knowledge Network
    Topic Identification    Clustering
    1  引言    1
    1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  研究内容    2
    2  复杂网络的社团结构    3
    2.1  复杂网络    3
    2.1.1  复杂网络的定义    3
    2.1.2  复杂网络的特征    4
    2.2  社团结构的定义    5
    2.3  社团结构算法的分类    6
    2.4  社团结构的谱聚类算法    7
    3  知识网络主题识别    9
    3.1  知识网络    9
    3.1.1  知识网络概述    9
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